Diana Chendana introduces Oovi Family Activities Center in Taiwan 

Diana Chedana is the latest Tutor to join our team as a Birthlight Baby Swimming Tutor. Here she shares her story and introduces Oovi, the center in Taipei that she and her husband have set up and been running since 2015. My teaching journey began in 2006 when I was  […]

Françoise’s Tribute to Robin Munro ~ founder of the pioneering Yoga Biomedical Trust

It has taken me some time to grieve for the passing of Dr. Robin Monro, who left us on November 14th in his mid-90s, before sharing a small tribute to him not only as a pioneer of therapeutic yoga in the UK but also as a respected dear mentor to whom I […]

One Earth, One Family, One Future

#oneearthonefamilyonefuture #internationalyogaday2023 #europeanyogafederation #unitedconsciousness For The International Day of Yoga 2023 we are sharing a film we recently made about Baby Yoga after filming at our Baby Yoga Festival in London at the Museum of the Home. As B. K. S. Iyengar, said “Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a […]

Emma’s Birthlight Journey

baby yoga birthlight

15th December 2004 – the day I became a mother and the start of my journey with Birthlight. Officially, my Birthlight journey began a few months before my gorgeous baby girl arrived and I am forever grateful to my excellent friend and former Birthlight colleague, Melanie, for generously offering me […]

Brazelton Baby Communication Week: Unique Individuals

mom cradling baby

#BabyCommunicationWeek23 #AmazedByBabies #brazeltonuk Friday – Brazelton Baby Communication Week: Baby Care as Unconditional Love Parenting from a yoga perspective: a school of unconditional love. There is always more to learn, understand and give. Rewards abound along the way. The nature/nurture, genes/environment debates have evolved with neuroscientific research and epigenetics yet remain inconclusive. […]


mother and baby communication

#BabyCommunicationWeek23 #AmazedByBabies #brazeltonuk Thursday – Brazelton Baby Communication week: Nurturing Sociable Dependers with playful interaction Within weeks of being born, babies reveal their uncanny sense of humour. Long before they produce irresistible chuckles of delight, they show caregivers that they understand games in playful exchanges. After initial puzzled looks, they differentiate between a face that […]

Brazelton Baby Communication Week: Ingenious Learners

baby parent relaxation

#BabyCommunicationWeek23 #AmazedByBabies #brazeltonuk Wednesday – Brazelton Baby Communication week: co-learning baby sleep in joint relaxation Textbooks assert that newborns can sleep as much as twenty hours in a 24h cycle. This is rarely what new parents experience, even though their babies’ crying may mislead their perception of time spent asleep. Active sleep […]

Brazelton Baby Communication Week: Impressive Adaptors

Birthlight parent-baby connection - Aquatic Nurture

This blog is a part of our weeklong, daily blog during Brazelton Baby Communication Week 2023 #BabyCommunicationWeek23 #AmazedByBabies #brazeltonuk Within seconds of being born or raised out of the water if they were born in water, babies take their first breath. This adaptation to the drastic change in their environment is dramatic […]

Communication with newborns: love at first sight or artful interaction?

Birthlight Baby Yoga hold Knees to chest

Eye to eye contact is privileged in our visual culture. Images of adorable gazing into babies’ eyes never fail to fascinate. Rightly so. But many new parents miss the early wonder of seeing their babies as “captivating communicators”. They stare at their newborns, wondering how to engage with these little […]

Amanda Gawthrope: Winner of the Virginia Hunt Newman Award in Baby Swimming

Amanda Gawthrope Birthlight Baby Swimming

WABC has announced that Amanda Gawthorpe is the 2023 recipient of the prestigious Virginia Hunt Newman Award. As the 2009 Award recipient, I am delighted that Amanda has been elected by an international committee that is committed to promote excellence, innovation and dedication to forward the gentle and safe introduction […]

Birthlight Baby Yoga Festival (London) 25+years of Baby Yoga G20 Cultural Event

G20 baby yoga free session Festival

Please signup for a free Birthlight Baby Yoga session at the Baby Yoga Festival for the G20 (registration form below). Birthlight has been the pioneer of Baby Yoga since the ’80s  with books, DVDs and training courses around the world, founded by Françoise Freedman, a medical anthropologist and yoga teacher. This […]

Exploring Birthlight Aquanatal Yoga for Pregnancy

Aquanatal Yoga Birthlight

Mary Freedman spoke with Mara and Natalia about their experience of Birthlight Aquanatal Yoga classes with Birthlight’s founder Françoise Freedman. Mara attended sessions throughout her first pregnancy while Natalia, in her second pregnancy and hoping for a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean), joined them for two sessions towards the middle […]

Birthlight and Aqua Education Collaboration

aquatic nurture for newborns

Birthlight would like to announce it’s collaboration with Aqua Education Academy. Each member of the collaboration will bring together their experiences as qualified Therapists and Practicioners in the Early Years world to help transform the understanding and importance of the early water experiences for babies and their families. If you […]

Birthlight Aquatic Nurture

Aquatic Nurture for Newborns. A long history of development since the 1990s. Training courses since 2018. Aquatic Nurture provides the missing bridge between Aquanatal Yoga and Baby Swimming classes. As befits the ‘Fourth Trimester’, the first twelve weeks after birth, the focus is on Nurture, welcoming and cherishing the newborn in the world as […]

Heading to the Pool with your baby? All about gentle submersions

Birthlight Swimming classes aim to provide the optimum environment for not only learning to take place but to create deep emotional and loving connections between the parent and child.  Water itself is a great conductor of emotions, it transmits both positive and negative intent and can set the tone of […]