Experienced hatha yoga and certified Birthlight teacher. Passionate about helping women to help themselves. Author of two books about natural ways to help women thrive. ‘Hormonal Harmony’ and ‘J’accompagne ma ménopause avec le yoga’. Based in Mallorca and also teaching online in French on Yoga Connect.
I offer specialist fertility yoga, yoga during pregnancy and Birthlight postnatal yoga in Richmond, London and online. My passion is to help women in their 1st to 4th trimesters and beyond feel calmer, more comfortable, and equipped for birth and early motherhood with group and one-to-one pregnancy yoga classes and mum and baby yoga classes, and online courses.
My classes are designed to help you find ease, relax, reduce common aches and pains, prepare and heal from birth. And make your transition into motherhood a little easier. No yoga experience necessary.
I offer the following services:
- Group pregnancy yoga classes in Richmond, London and online
- One-to-one pregnancy yoga classes in your home and online, including yoga in early pregnancy and birth preparation workshops
- Group mum and baby yoga classes in Richmond, London and online
- One-to-one postnatal exercise and recovery yoga in your home and online
- Online pre-recorded pregnancy yoga course “Pregnant in Anxious times”
- Online pre-recorded course ‘Yoga and baby massage for colic & reflux babies’
My approach to yoga during pregnancy involves a combination of yoga-based movement, breathing techniques, mindfulness and deep relaxation, as well as antenatal information and birth preparation. My pregnancy yoga classes are suitable from the first trimester right up until birth for all women, and designed to complement your antenatal care.
I also specialise in pregnancy anxiety and pregnancy after infertility and loss.
My mum and baby yoga classes combine Birthlight postnatal yoga for mum, and baby massage and baby yoga for baby, suitable from 3 weeks after birth (including caesarean birth) until your baby is crawling.
For further information and booking, please visit: http://www.firsttofourthyoga.co.uk
In-person group pregnancy yoga classes and mum and baby yoga classes are accessible in Richmond, London at Studio 17, East Twickenham.
Fertility yoga sessions available on a one-to-one basis, at home or online. More information on my sister Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/ameliecresswell.yoga
I offer a free 15 minute initial telephone consultation for all one-to-one sessions (fertility yoga, yoga in early pregnancy, yoga during pregnancy, birth preparation, postnatal exercise and recovery, how to do baby massage for colic). Email me to book a consultation, or book a slot directly from my website http://www.firsttofourthyoga.co.uk
Navigation, Intuition and Instinct
… knowing what your options are and how to navigate the pathway is so important … even the suggestion of booking in a sweep starts that ripple off …. go with your intuition and instincts – what feels right for you … navigate, negotiate and have those sensible conversations that support you and your baby so that you get the most out of the journey into motherhood and the best start.
If you are looking for a class that supports you in every way possible then please do connect … spaces available and it’s so much more than a pregnancy yoga class in the traditional sense. A Ripple Effect class is a “one-stop” shop … you get so much in terms of antenatal education, an amazing tool box for pregnancy, labour, postpartum and your everyday life which has yoga, relaxation techniques, breath work, “hypnobirthing” techniques (supporting those who have been to other classes or accessed online platforms), rebozo and self care … as well as meeting other fab ladies who are also on this journey to motherhood. They are a treat and certainly not to be missed. Add in the gorgeous bespoke Space you have a recipe that will support you all the way …
A little about me … I am a gentle soul … I pride myself on the classes I offer and the amazing work that has been shared into the community over the last 18 years … I am sure that as you journey deeper into the classes available in the area you will no doubt be seated next to someone who has been along to a Ripple class and believes that everyone needs a “Claire” … 1200 babies and families to date and 2 of my own doesn’t mean I am an expert but I am hoping I can help you shed some light to support you with your little one.
Look forward to connecting with you.
Claire x
I am an aromatherapist and qualified children’s nurse. I have been privileged to teach parent and baby classes for the last 16 years and experience the joy that yoga can bring, but am now stepping back from teaching regular classes to take semi-retirement. It was through Birthlight I first discovered yoga which transformed my life and I continue to practice regularly. I am available for teaching individual one to one or small, occasional classes by request.
I am a yoga teacher with over 14 years of teaching experiencing, including many years of teaching pre-and post-natal yoga in East London. I have helped many hundreds of women to feel more comfortable, confident and relaxed during their pregnancies and births, and have welcomed back many of them on the other side with their babies – which is always such a joy.
In the words of one of my recent students:
“I would definitely recommend Sarah’s pregnancy yoga classes! They have been a real help to stay healthy and well during pregnancy, both mentally and physically. The class is tailored to pregnant mums, keeping our bodies fit during pregnancy, but Sarah also gives us very helpful tips about positions and breathing during childbirth. She clearly knows what she is talking about and she always takes her time for any concerns or questions. It never feels like she is on a schedule. The classes are more than just yoga. Each session starts with checking in on each other. It’s very helpful to share pregnancy concerns with other ladies going through the same thing. The community of pregnant ladies that we have built in Sarah’s classes is such a wonderful support. I can’t wait to join the post-natal classes with our babies later on!”
Please contact me or visit my website for details of my current weekly classes, or follow me on https://www.instagram.com/yogini.sarah/
Hi! I’m Aurea and I’m a pregnancy, baby, and parenting specialist. I’ve been teaching Birthlight Baby yoga classes since 2013, and since then have expanded into teaching Birthlight Toddler Yoga and Postnatal yoga. I also teach pregnancy yoga classes. See the current schedule below for days and times for group classes.
Current schedule:
Monday: Yoma Explorers (crawling/walking babies) at Salt Ayre at 10:00.
Tuesday:Yoma Explorers (crawling/walking babies up to 2 years) at the Storey Institute ; Baby yoga (for pre-crawlers from 12 weeks) at 11:00 at the Lancaster Quaker Meeting House
Wednesday: Pregnancy Yoga 6:15-7:30.
Other services
I’m available to teach private pregnancy yoga, postnatal yoga, baby yoga and toddler yoga sessions.
I am a Birth Doula and Postnatal Doula and member of Doula UK.
I also am working towards certification as a holistic sleep coach for families.
If you’d like to know more about me, please take a look at my website: https://www.aureakelvin.com
To book a class or contact me for further details you can email info@aureakelvin.com , text/phone 0777 923 2866 or go to my page: https://www.facebook.com/AureaDoula
Glow Mama Zwangerschapsyoga (Pregnancy Yoga)
Zwangerschapsyoga is een fijne manier om in beweging te blijven tijdens je zwangerschap. Het helpt je om in balans te blijven tijdens deze bijzondere periode en bewust stil te staan bij het wonderlijke proces van nieuw leven in je buik.
Tijdens de lessen oefen je om je rust te vinden, je te concentreren op je ademhaling en bouw je kracht en stabiliteit op. De yogahoudingen zijn aangepast op de zwangerschap: er wordt rekening gehouden met je groeiende buik en alle andere fysieke veranderingen.
Vanaf je 12e zwangerschapsweek kun je met de zwangerschapsyogalessen starten. De lessen zijn doorlopend en je kunt de lessen volgen tot aan het eind van je zwangerschap. De lessen zijn voor iedereen toegankelijk met of zonder yoga-ervaring.
Lestijden zwangerschapsyoga
- Maandagavond 18:45 – 20:00 (NL): Glow Yogastudio Haarlem
- Dinsdagavond 18:30 – 19:45 (NL: Glow Yogastudio Haarlem
- Woensdagochtend 10:45 – 12:00 (NL): Glow Yogastudio Haarlem
- Donderdagochtend 18:00- 19:15 (English spoken): Glow Yogastudio Haarlem
- Eenmalig gratis proefles
- 10 rittenkaart: 150 euro (6 maanden geldig)
- 5 rittenkaart: 85 euro (3 maanden geldig)
- Een losse zwangerschapsyogales is 18,50 euro.
- Jonger dan 21 en zwanger? Jonge moeders mogen gratis lessen volgen.
- Lid bij Glow? De lessen vallen binnen de abonnementen (dus je hoeft niet extra te betalen om te kunnen deelnemen aan de lessen).
De meeste zorgverzekeraars vergoeden (gedeeltelijk) onze zwangerschapsyoga! Het is zeer de moeite waard om dit even te controleren. Bij aanschaf van een rittenkaart, krijg je van ons een factuur die je kunt inleveren bij je zorgverzekeraar. Wij voldoen aan alle eisen die verzekeraars stellen.
Mama & Baby (Postnatal Yoga)
Vijf wekelijkse lessen voor na je bevalling voor jou en je kindje (vanaf 4 weken tot 6 maanden na de bevalling). Maximaal 10 deelnemers.
Mama & Baby is speciaal voor vrouwen die net een kindje hebben gekregen. Opeens is je leven anders. In de periode die achter je ligt, is er een hoop veranderd. Zowel lichamelijk als geestelijk. De Mama & Baby lessen helpen bij het vinden van een nieuwe balans en ondersteunen lichamelijk herstel.
In de lessen besteden we aandacht aan het versterken van de bekkenbodem, buik, onderrug en benen. Daarnaast doen we oefeningen die de schouders, bovenrug en nek ontspannen en soepeler maken. Dit gebied wordt door het vele tillen en dragen van je kindje, maar ook door het voeden van je kindje, zwaar belast waardoor het stijf kan aanvoelen.
Je kindje ligt tijdens de les gezellig bij jou op je mat en kan meekijken, slapen of meedoen terwijl jij dichtbij hem/haar bent. Voel je vrij om tijdens de les je kindje te voeden of te troosten. Alles mag, niets hoeft!
De laatste les van de cursus staat in het teken van Baby Voetreflexologie. Gebaseerd op het boek en lessen bij Floor Tuinstra: ‘Masseer de kwaaltjes van je kindje in 1 minuut weg’. Baby’s ondervinden al snel resultaat van de reflexologie en gaan beter slapen, hebben minder tot geen krampjes, zitten lekkerder in hun vel en produceren weer volle luiers!
Ook bereiden deze lessen je goed voor op de reguliere yogalessen.
Elke maandagochtend bij Glow Yogastudio Haarlem
Tijdstip: 10:45 – 12:00
Docent: Martine Bruin
Prijs: 99 euro voor 5 lessen
Handig om mee te nemen:
Verschoonmatje/kleedje, dekentje of wrapper voor je kindje, luiers, speentje, voeding, speeltje en schone kleding voor je kindje.
Voorbereiding op de bevalling (Childbirth Preparation) workshop
De Partnerworkshop bereid jou samen met je partner voor op de bevalling. Jullie krijgen samen inzicht in het verloop van de bevalling en tips om de bevalling zo goed en zo ontspannen mogelijk te laten verlopen.Tijdens deze workshop worden de volgende onderwerpen behandeld:
- De werking van de baarmoeder en spieren
- Hormonen
- De rol van de partner
- De fases van de bevalling
- Houdingen tijdens de bevalling
- Ademhalingsoefeningen (geen zorgen, we gaan niet puffen!)
- Massage-oefeningen tijdens de zwangerschap/bevalling
- Geboorteplan
- Eerste contact met je kindje
- Kraamtijd
De partnerworkshop is voor jou en degene die bij jouw bevalling aanwezig is. Dit kan je partner zijn, maar bijvoorbeeld ook je moeder, zus of vriendin zijn.
Deze workshop kun je ook volgen als je geen zwangerschapsyogalessen hebt gevolgd, of deze ergens anders hebt gevolgd.
Deze workshop kan ook op afspraak als privé workshop geboekt worden (alleen samen met je partner).
Deze workshop wordt op zaterdag gegeven – check de website van Glow Yogastudio voor de data. Ook voor de data van de Engelse workshop.
Tijdstip: 14:30 – 18:00 uur
Kosten: 89 euro per duo | niet-leden 99 euro per duo
I run Pregnancy and Mum & Baby Yoga classes in Bracknell, Berkshire. As well as Well Woman Yoga classes. Classes are small and friendly, no experience of yoga is required.
Pregnancy Yoga is suitable from 14 weeks onwards and helps promote a comfortable pregnancy. Classes work wonders to prepare the body and mind for the birth and are a great way to meet other Mums.
Mum & Baby Yoga is suitable from 6 weeks after the birth up until baby is crawling. We focus on stabilising the core and reconnecting with the pelvic floor as well as easing out postnatal aches and pains. Baby Yoga is included as well as mutually beneficial movements. Classes are fun and playful in a relaxed environment.
Well Woman Yoga focuses on nurturing yoga that promotes core and pelvic floor health. This is a fun relaxed class.
Based in Wiltshire, I am currently running Well Woman Yoga in person in Rowde, Wiltshire and online via Zoom, Postnatal Yoga for Mothers & Babies is face to face in Rowde, Wiltshire, Pregnancy Yoga is online via Zoom and Chair Yoga – which is for anyone who has mobility/health issues or a lack of floor space – online via Zoom. All classes are carefully planned around the needs of the group with a focus on Pranayama (breathing practices), gentle yoga asanas (postures) and relaxation. My aim is to create a calm and nurturing environment for everyone who attends, giving each person the time and space to take what they need from the session.

Vera has been practicing yoga since 1992 and teaching from 2004. She holds teaching diplomas from British Wheel of Yoga, Birthlight, Yoga Therapy Diploma (YC) and children teaching training from Special Yoga Centre. Vera has extensive training in meditation and mindfulness practices. She also trained as a Doula with Dr Michel Odent.
Vera’s primary focus now is on developing holistic therapeutic approach that supports each woman on her unique journey (issues with female health, postnatal recovery, pregnancy, fertility, menopause) with the use of yoga and other complimentary practices that she picked up along the way.
Vera teaches regular group classes on Mondays in online format (well-woman yoga, postpartum, fertility and pregnancy) as well as having 1-2-1 yoga therapy with clients (both online and face to face in her clinic) who require a developed of more specific programme that can address their specific concerns.

I joined the Birthlight team of teachers after completing my Pre-natal Yoga Diploma in 2006. I then went onto complete my Baby Yoga Diploma and Wellwoman Yoga Diploma. I have also completed a Birth Preparation Course. I have taught a Birthlight CPD on Prenatal Yoga.
I am passionate about women’s health, from conception, birth to menopause and beyond. The yoga classes I offer to women provide them with invaluable tools to help transform, empower and heal their body’s and minds in a gentle but effective way. I qualified in Birthlight Pre-Natal Yoga in 2007, and Post-Natal Yoga in 2008, and Well Woman Yoga 2020.
I am currently offering on-line group classes via Zoom and face-to-face 1-2-1’s.
Réka is a perinatal consultant with over 20 years of experience in childbirth education, pregnancy yoga, doula support, and counseling. She offers prenatal consultations to help expectant mothers stay aware, focused, present, and at ease throughout pregnancy and labor. Her approach empowers women to trust their natural instincts and draw on their inner strength during this transformative journey.
Réka’s background is enriched by her Ayurvedic studies, which bring a holistic perspective to her work with expectant mothers. She integrates Ayurvedic principles to support balance, well-being, and vitality throughout pregnancy and beyond. In addition to her yoga training, Réka holds degrees in childbirth education and has extensive experience guiding women through their perinatal journey with a deep understanding of both body and mind.
Réka began practicing yoga at the age of 16 in the Maheshwarananda tradition. After earning her PhD from Oxford University and giving birth to her three children, she trained with Dr. Françoise Freedman in pregnancy yoga, completing Level 1 in London (2003) and Level 2 in Budapest (2005). She has taught pregnancy yoga continuously since then, working with thousands of expectant mothers over the past two decades. Her passion lies in helping women find trust, balance, and love in their bodies, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
She lives in Bath, Somerset.
Leuk om (digitaal) kennis te maken! Mijn naam is Jessica Zijlema. Ik woon samen met mijn man Sander en onze dochter Sarah in Tiel. Vanuit mijn bedrijf Essential Health bied ik in de Betuwe zwangerschapsyoga, postnatale yoga en mama & baby lessen aan, zowel in groepsverband als individueel.
Sinds 2007 werk ik al als Yoga- en Pilatesdocent en Masseur. Tijdens mijn zwangerschap en bevalling heb ik enorm veel gehad aan de ontspannings- beweeg- en ademhalingstechnieken die ik daaruit kende, en ik had daardoor een prachtige, bijzondere en snelle bevalling. Dit wilde ik graag delen met andere (aanstaande) mama’s! Daarom ben ik na de geboorte van onze dochter gestart met het geven van zwangerschapsyoga lessen en zwangerschapsmassages.Toen een paar jaar later HypnoBirthing op mijn pad kwam, was de cirkel voor mij echt rond.
Het is zo mooi om te zien hoe ontspanning en het vertrouwen in je lichaam je helpt tijdens de geboorte van je kindje, waardoor de bevalling voorspoediger en comfortabeler verloopt. En ik vind het bijzonder dat ik jou als aanstaande ouder de tools mag aanbieden om met vertrouwen en vanuit je eigen kracht je voor te bereiden op een prachtige, ontspannen en mooie komst van je kindje!
Naast yoga kun je bij mij in de studio terecht voor nog veel meer als (aanstaande) ouder, ook samen met je baby of kind:
- ZwangerschapsYoga
- ZwangerschapsPilates
- ZwangerschapsMassage
- Cursus Voorbereiden op de Bevalling
- Postnatale Yoga
- Mama & Baby Yoga en -Pilates
- Babymassage
- Workshops Baby- & Kindergebaren
- Yoga met je Kind
- Moxa therapie bij stuitligging
Regio: Tiel, Buren en Geldermalsen (De Betuwe, Gelderland).
Private classes can also be taught in English

I run small socially distanced hatha yoga classes. Well Woman classes will be added soon. Please contact me for more details.
I run small prenatal and postnatal recovery classes from my studio in Wye near Ashford in Kent. I am currently running online prenatal and postnatal classes but am hoping to also resume studio classes very soon.
Я веду групповые классы и индивидуальные занятия по женской йоге, йоге для беременных и йоге после родов на Юго-Западе Москвы. Также провожу патронаж новорожденных (купание + мамин массаж) с выездом на дом.
Кроме дипломов Birthlight, имею квалификацию преподавателя женской йогатерапии и перинатальной йоги, в т.ч. реабилитация диастаза, по системе Adama Yoga.
I pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Belfast and Lisburn, Northern Ireland from 2003.Supporting women and babies at the beginning of life’s adventure together is at the heart of the Yoga that I teach. For full information of what types of Yoga and Baby Massage I teach online and in venues, please check out my website. Namaste.