Yoga, Ayurveda & Abdominal Therapy In my practice, I work with a unique combination of Birthl...
I’m currently offering 1:1 sessions, couples sessions or private groups for Prenatal, Postn...
Baby Massage Certificate Baby Yoga Diploma Birth Preparation Certificate Perinatal Yoga Diploma Postnatal Yoga Certificate Toddler Yoga Certificate Well Woman Diploma
I’m Julie Bickerton, founder of Nomad Therapy, here to support and nurture you throughout pregnan...
Wendover, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK
Welcome to Liz Brown Yoga. Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapist in Wendover, Aylesbury in Bucking...
I am an advocate of promoting yoga as a sustainable lifetime practice in energizing the body and ...
Senior teacher (over 30 years) BWY. Well Woman Yoga diploma (2011), Fertility Yoga. Diastasis Rec...
I teach WellWoman yoga on line via Zoom to small groups. I also plan to teach a live class at Th...
Hi, I’m a back pain specialist – Registered Osteopath & Yoga teacher – work...
Diss, Norfolk, UK
Sharing Yoga with Lisa Weller. Offering: Birthlight Pregnancy Yoga Birthlight Postnatal Yoga Bir...
I have been teaching Birthlight Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga for 15 years in Zurich, Switzerland. ...
Experienced hatha yoga and certified Birthlight teacher. Passionate about helping women to help t...

I run small socially distanced hatha yoga classes. Well Woman classes will be added soon. Please...
I am passionate about women’s health, from conception, birth to menopause and beyond. The y...

I joined the Birthlight team of teachers after completing my Pre-natal Yoga Diploma in 2006. I t...
Loophill, Bromham, Chippenham SN15 2JH, UK
Based in Wiltshire, I am currently running Well Woman Yoga in person in Rowde, Wiltshire and onli...
Baby Yoga Diploma Postnatal Yoga Certificate Yoga for Maternity Certificate Well Woman Diploma Birth Preparation Certificate
Bracknell RG42, UK
I run Pregnancy and Mum & Baby Yoga classes in Bracknell, Berkshire. As well as Well Woman Y...
Northamptonshire, UK
Navigation, Intuition and Instinct … knowing what your options are and how to navigate the ...
Showing 18 results