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Relaxing jointly with your baby triples benefits. You relax, (s)he relaxes,the two of you relax together. Relaxation is an essential
The first episode of the ‘Bringing up Britain’ programme (Radio 4 Episode 13 October2020 ) explored various facets of the
Liz Doherty Birthlight Pioneer As co-grandmothers, Liz and I started our conversation talking about our grandchildren. Liz has three, from
With the world’s health jeopardised by the twin threats of Covid-19 and the climate crisis, the range of how we
Kicki Hansard, author, educator, mother and founder of BirthBliss Academy (www.birthblissacademy.com) grew up in Swedish Lapland - the land of
Founder and Director of Birthlight. She is a pioneer, Senior Yoga Teacher, acclaimed writer and lecturer of Social Anthropology at
World Breastfeeding Week is definitely worth universally celebrating -and promoting! - as a key factor for human health and wellbeing
Dianne Garland is an international speaker having travelled and taught in all corners of the world, including India, China, America,
Nurture: nourishing with care and love for growth and abundance. I was fortunate to share the lives of Amazonian indigenous
Introducing new babies to water: the risks of chlorinated swimming pools and the benefits of home tubs In the UK,