Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
Kinloch Rannoch, Pitlochry, Scotland, UK

My OnLine Pregnancy Yoga classes offer specialist yoga for pregnancy combined with a wealth of skills and knowledge about pregnancy, birth and parenthood. During the class you will learn about posture and movement, how to encourage your baby into the best possible position prior to birth, as well as labour techniques and deep relaxation.

  • Yoga – mindful movement
  • Relaxation 
  • Breathing awareness & sound
  • Pelvic floor awareness
  • Information about pregnancy and birth
  • Preparation for labour & birth through yoga
  • Discussion & sharing

Open to anyone from within the UK and beyond, who has access to Zoom.


I teach several weekly yoga classes on different locations in Zutphen via Geel Geluk. Check my schedule for my current agenda. I love to welcome you on the mat.

Mijn naam is Nadine, yogadocent (Yin, Restorative, Zwangerschap, Postnataal en Babyyoga), mama van 2 jongens (2017 & 2020), groot liefhebber van het ondersteunen van vrouwen tijdens de 4 trimesters van hun zwangerschap en eeuwige leerling van het leven. Samen met mijn mannen woon ik sinds 2019 in Zutphen. Daarvoor woonde en werkte ik in Utrecht.  Ik ben gecertifieerd Birthlight docent voor zwangerschap, postnataal en baby yoga en ik heb al honderden vrouwen mogen ondersteunen in deze bijzondere periode van hun leven. Mijn leerlingen beschrijven mij vaak als een docente met oog voor detail en verschillende individuele behoeften en waarderen mijn humor en zorgzaamheid. Ik verwelkom je graag op de mat tijdens een groepsles of in een prive sessie.

I teach Mum and Baby Yoga, which I call Mindful Movement with Mama and Baby Massage at some beautiful venues in South East London:

The Sunflower Centre in Brockley, SE4

The Mansion within Beckenham Place Park, BR3

Soma Space in Honor Oak Park, SE23

Please check my website, or get in touch for details and how to book, I’d love to hear from you.

21423 Winsen, Germany

Du hast gerade ein Kind bekommen? Dann herzlich willkommen im Mama-Baby-Universum. 

Die Zeit nach der Geburt steckt ebenso voller Veränderungen wie die Schwangerschaft. Nach den ersten turbulenten Wochen besteht dein Alltag aus Stillen und Spucktuch, Windeln und Waschmaschine. Und leider gehören auch schlaflose Nächte, Tage mit Bauchweh und Wachstumsschübe deines Babys dazu. Zeit für dich bleibt da wenig. Dabei ist es wichtig, sich diese Zeit zu nehmen. 

Ich bin Janine und lebe mit meinem Mann, unseren drei Kindern und unseren beiden Hunden in Winsen. Seit der Geburt meiner Kinder war für mich klar, dass ich gerne mit Kindern arbeiten möchte. Gestartet habe ich mit Kinderturnen und Spielkreisen, mit meiner Baby-/Toddler-Yoga und DELFI-Ausbildung habe ich mir einen Herzenswunsch erfüllt, auch die ganz Kleinen ein Stück auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten.

Mamas Yoga
Sutton Coldfield, The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield, UK

Hi, I’m Laura 🙂 I am a mum of 2 little ones and a geriatric Jack Russell. I am a 200hr qualified Yoga Teacher and trainee Advanced Yoga Teacher. I am also very privileged to be able to offer the following perinatal classes for expectant and new mums, as well as new parents and their babies through my training with Birthlight:

  • Pregnancy Yoga
  • Post-natal Yoga (bring baby with you!)
  • Baby Massage
  • Baby Yoga

As well as weekly group classes, I offer private 121 or small group classes (2-3 people). All classes are held at my private, tranquil garden studio in Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, B76. Groups are kept small to max. 8 people and focus on connection; with your body, your baby and other expectant or new mums/ parents.

All classes are suitable for all abilities, complete beginners onwards. All mats, props, massage oils etc are provided so all you have to think about is yourself and your little one. There are toilet and changing facilities on site and plenty of parking on a privater driveway.

Westfield Road, Woking GU22 9QA, UK

I offer pregnancy, postnatal and baby yoga classes and also baby massage classes in the Woking area. My classes are friendly and welcoming with the option of social media groups to be part of a local supportive community. Currently classes are all online with the hope to returning to socially distance classes when we can.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have about Baby Massage or Baby Yoga, via my email address but I am not currently running classes as I am working full time in a local school.


Helen is a Birthlight Baby Yoga and Toddler Yoga teacher. She is also a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist.

Helen trained with The International Association of Infant Massage IAIM in 2011 having enjoyed attending Baby Massage classes with her son. In 2017 she completed Baby Yoga training with Birthlight. In Baby Yoga classes parents can continue to massage their babies and learn additional moves to support their babies co-ordination, strength and movement.  The classes also provide new parents with an opportunity to talk to each other and to find ways to help them to relax and heal postnatally. She runs regular courses in Beckenham and private classes for groups of parents in their own home.

Using her knowledge and experience as a qualified Speech and Language Therapist Helen also runs baby talk classes for babies aged 6-12 months.

In 2020 Helen trained to teach Toddler Yoga with Birthlight, as she wanted to expand this valuable work with babies to parents and young children. Her Toddler Yoga classes support children’s communication skills through movement. The use of song and breath provides parents with ways to support their child’s emotional regulation.


I’m Julie Bickerton, founder of Nomad Therapy, here to support and nurture you throughout pregnancy, postnatally and through menopause.

My philosophy is to promote positive touch and accessible yoga. Providing a safe space where we can be honest and open about our experiences as women and building a community where friendships are made.

After my training as a baby massage instructor and having my son, my fascination with babies continued to grow and broaden.

Now in my midlife I am expanding my experience to support women through this period of their incredible lives.

I feel very lucky in my vocation. I love what I do and I continue to learn from every woman and baby that I meet.


Pre Natal Yoga

These pre-natal yoga classes are perfect for ‘mums-to-be’ from 12 weeks onwards.

The gentle yet effective approach of these classes aims to internalise the practices and techniques in order to build a body memory that can be called upon with ease, instinctively in daily life, during labour and beyond.

Pregnancy yoga benefits include:

Increase awareness in body, breath and postural changes.

Expanding breathing capabilities in order to breathe for two, assist during labour and birth.

Pelvic awareness (unfold range of movements and as foundational support for the body).

Tone and release pelvic floor muscles in preparation for labour and beyond.

Boost energy and reduce fatigue.

Increase resilience and ease tensions in both body and mind.

Yoga for common pregnancy issues: pelvic girdle pain, encouraging baby into optimal birthing position, better sleep, etc.

Restorative yoga for mums to be & yoga nidra

Postnatal Yoga (without Baby)

Nurturing Gentle Yoga class for Mothers. From 12 weeks onwards and up to any time postpartum.

Open to anyone who’d like to reconnect to body, mind and with other local Mothers.

For those interested in Mum and Baby Yoga (Postnatal with Baby) we are resuming classes in September 2021.

Postnatal Yoga with Baby

Nurturing class for you and your baby. Take some time out to
relax, recuperate, re-strength and meet other mums while your
baby relaxes with you in a safe environment.

Please see our website for full details (link listed above)


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Palmerston North, New Zealand

Baby Yoga classes are on Mondays at Square Edge Community Arts Centre in Palmerston North.

Monday 9.30 – Mobile babies & toddlers
Monday 10.45 – Pre mobile babies

Please do message or email me to book your space:
Birthlight Baby Yoga is a lovely combination of baby and adult yoga moves, woven together with songs and lots of fun.
I am a Birthlight certified Baby Yoga teacher. The long term impact of this rewarding and important work is what we call, “expanding spirals of joy” for women, babies and new families worldwide.
My baby yoga classes nurture the well-being of women, babies and new parents.

Aberdeen, UK


Baby and Me runs baby classes across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Classes are completely baby led, so all crying, feeding, changing and sleeping are totally welcome. It’s more about me teaching you a skill that you can use at a time that works for both of you. 

There are four classes available to you:

💜Baby Massage (birth to 12 months) 

💛Introduction to Baby Yoga (8 weeks to 4 months)

🧡Baby Yoga (12 weeks to precrawling)

💚Mobile Baby Yoga (Crawling/rolling to 18months) 

Baby and Me classes are suitable from birth right the way through to 18 months, so it is never too early or late to start.  More information can be found on the Baby and Me social media pages or by emailing

If you have any questions or I can help you at all please PM the Baby and Me page or send me an email and I will get back to you when I can.

Emma xx



Instagram: @babyandmeiaim

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Connect with your baby in a calm, welcoming and supportive environment.

6-week courses, based just outside Saffron Walden.


Baby Yoga

The gentle movements, focus on your baby and will aid circulation and digestion as well as support muscle tone, coordination, and the development of your baby’s body awareness. Baby Yoga also includes the opportunity to explore movement together and plenty of time to engage and be present with your baby.


Baby Massage

Baby massage allows you to enjoy special, focussed, one-to-one time with your baby in a relaxing environment. There are numerous benefits to massage too as the strokes will stimulate all of your baby’s major body systems and support with relief from constipation or teething as well as your baby’s relaxation as the massage supports the release of calming oxytocin. Only you will massage your baby and the strokes will cover baby’s legs, arms, tummy, chest, face and back.


Toddler Yoga

Yoga-inspired poses, stretches and movements, weaved amongst songs, rhymes and stories, create an inspiring, fun and engaging class for toddlers. Weekly themes keep little ones interested, whilst the classes also introduce your toddler to concepts of relaxation, breathing and gratitude.


Please get in touch for more information. Emily x

Arrondissement de Pau, France

Tam-Tamz is an academy offering music, dance and yoga activities for young children from birth to six years old.  Musical awakening, dance, Zumbini® and baby yoga are some of the classes available for you and your child to share together.  It is a unique moment of coming together with your child and bonding through music and movement.

Created in 2009 under the original name of Samba Babies, Tammy has continued to grow the musical classes and expand further to create more opportunities for parent/baby classes including baby yoga, baby massage and more recently Zumbini®.

« Moving around the world has enabled me to take influences from

several different cultures and to grow samba babies from a simple

music for babies class to a deeper and more enriching experience

between parent/carer and baby. » – Tammy

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Bracknell RG42, UK

I run Pregnancy and Mum & Baby Yoga  classes in Bracknell, Berkshire. As well as Well Woman Yoga classes. Classes are small and friendly, no experience of yoga is required.

Pregnancy Yoga is suitable from 14 weeks onwards and helps promote a comfortable pregnancy. Classes work wonders to prepare the body and mind for the birth and are a great way to meet other Mums.

Mum & Baby Yoga is suitable from 6 weeks after the birth up until baby is crawling. We focus on stabilising the core and reconnecting with the pelvic floor as well as easing out postnatal aches and pains.  Baby Yoga is included  as well as mutually beneficial movements. Classes are fun and playful in a relaxed environment.

Well Woman Yoga focuses on nurturing yoga that promotes core and pelvic floor health. This is a fun relaxed class.


➡️Before kids
1️⃣2️⃣years in finance, auditing after Institute of international economic relations in international companies…
➡️After kids
1️⃣4️⃣ years of motherhood with 4 kids – 1, 5, 11, 14 years…
1️⃣2️⃣ years baby yoga, baby swimming instructor birthlight…
1️⃣1️⃣ years Course Organiser Birthlight in Russia, promoter, enspirer of Birthlight…

❤️In love with life, motherhood, family, kids, and my mission

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321 Harborne Lane, Birmingham B17 0NT, UK

I am an aromatherapist and qualified children’s nurse. I have been privileged to teach parent and baby classes for the last 16 years and experience the joy that yoga can bring, but am now stepping back from teaching regular classes to take semi-retirement. It was through Birthlight I first discovered yoga which transformed my life and I continue to practice regularly. I am available for teaching individual one to one or small, occasional classes by request.

Showing 21 - 40 of 71 results