Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
Kinloch Rannoch, Pitlochry, Scotland, UK

My OnLine Pregnancy Yoga classes offer specialist yoga for pregnancy combined with a wealth of skills and knowledge about pregnancy, birth and parenthood. During the class you will learn about posture and movement, how to encourage your baby into the best possible position prior to birth, as well as labour techniques and deep relaxation.

  • Yoga – mindful movement
  • Relaxation 
  • Breathing awareness & sound
  • Pelvic floor awareness
  • Information about pregnancy and birth
  • Preparation for labour & birth through yoga
  • Discussion & sharing

Open to anyone from within the UK and beyond, who has access to Zoom.

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Woodgrange Road, London, Greater London E7 0QH, UK, The Gate library

Postnatal Yoga 

Nurturing postnatal yoga class with the chance to incorporate the babies into the practice. Great opportunity to relax, recuperate, regain strength and meet other mums while your baby relaxes with you in a safe environment.  Postnatal Yoga benefits include: Core stability (pelvic floor, abdominals, gluteus and back muscles); Realign and maintain suppleness in the spine; Tone deep muscles to ‘close the body’ after pregnancy and birth; Relieve stiffness; promote relaxation through breath’s expansion; detox the system improving blood flow; boost mood and confidence

Toddler Yoga

Age range: 12 months – 4 years

Fun and stimulating “Yoga Inspired” activity for the child and their adult.

Adult and child participate with one another exploring Yoga shapes & moves, mindfulness & breath-work through fun themes, music, games and often relaxing storytelling at the end of the class. This is a great chance for both the adult and the child to do a little exercise as well as discover new ways to unwind together.

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Since more than 7 Years I have been offering Birthlight Pregnancy and Postnatal Classes in Austria | Vorarlberg.

You can attend in person or use my 1:1 Online Class.

For more information, please check out my website or contact me.


It is my passion to guide women through this wonderful but sometimes challenging phases of their lives.


I’m Julie Bickerton, founder of Nomad Therapy, here to support and nurture you throughout pregnancy, postnatally and through menopause.

My philosophy is to promote positive touch and accessible yoga. Providing a safe space where we can be honest and open about our experiences as women and building a community where friendships are made.

After my training as a baby massage instructor and having my son, my fascination with babies continued to grow and broaden.

Now in my midlife I am expanding my experience to support women through this period of their incredible lives.

I feel very lucky in my vocation. I love what I do and I continue to learn from every woman and baby that I meet.

Rotherham, UK

Fully trained specialist in Aquatic Nurture for Newborns. Offering a natural and gentle approach to babies first experience in water. Guiding new parents in exploring the benefits of the development bath time for babies. Fully qualified and experienced baby and toddler swimming teacher.


I am passionate about women’s health, from conception, birth to menopause and beyond. The yoga classes I offer to women provide them with invaluable tools to help transform, empower and heal their body’s and minds in a gentle but effective way. I qualified in Birthlight Pre-Natal Yoga in 2007, and Post-Natal Yoga in 2008, and Well Woman Yoga 2020.

I am currently offering on-line group classes via Zoom and face-to-face 1-2-1’s.

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I pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Belfast and Lisburn, Northern Ireland from 2003.Supporting women and babies at the beginning of life’s adventure together  is at the heart of the Yoga that I teach. For full information of what types of Yoga and Baby Massage I teach online and in venues, please check out my website. Namaste.

Gisela Collazo
Zürich, Switzerland

I have been teaching Birthlight Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga for 15 years in Zurich, Switzerland. My weekly group classes are both In-Person and Online Live. I teach at Pilates Zürich, Friedaustrasse 17, 8003 Zürich. I also offer Birth Preparation Workshops, Baby Massage and Baby Yoga courses. Please visit my website for more information about my services:

I have experienced and witnessed the transformative effects of the Birthlight practices on women and their families. As a Birthlight Perinatal and Postnatal Yoga Tutor, I am honored to pass on the Birthlight philosophy to yoga teachers and maternity professionals so that they may support families in their own communities.

I offer private instruction both In-Person and Online, and am happy to schedule something with you either at the studio or at your home. Please contact me directly to schedule your session:

My certification as a Birth and Postpartum Doula rounds out my offering so that I can provide constant, professional and empathetic support through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal year.




I am a nursery nurse and mental health professional offering baby massage, baby yoga, kids yoga, family yoga and mindfulness meditation classes to all. Can be individual sessions or group.

Mavis Avenue, Cookridge, Leeds LS16 7LJ, UK

Deborah teaches classes for babies 12 weeks + as well as movers and toddlers. Please contact her for class details in the Leeds area.

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I am a mum of 2, a primary teacher with a specialism in physical education and an MA in early years physical development, and a Militray wife! I did both baby massage and baby yoga with my children and we continue to use the techniques and movements today! I loved the planned time and space to have that quality time with each child in times when everyone is so busy!

Happy Baby Class. Parent and Baby Nurturing Massage Class that is fun, relaxed, provides quality time for you both and includes a progression of massage techniques. We also include gentle exercises for parents and babies, relaxation techniques as well as rhymes and songs. Our final part of the session we provide an opportunity to have a drink and chat with other parents. A safe environment brining parents and babies together and. crating time and space for bonding.

Mountain Class. Parent and Baby Yoga class with elements of dry massage. This is a Yoga class for both parents and baby. A progression from the Happy Baby class with gentle stretches, movements and breathing exercises for parents, and we integrate simple yoga moves for babies and progress these and match the level and age to the baby’s needs. We use songs and rhymes and watch for babies cues. Opportunity for drinks and chat at the end part of session.

Tree Class, Parent and Baby Yoga class for Tots, walkers and up. Using song, stories, themes and movement to provide yoga for parent and child. A great tool for stretching little bodies, learning words, colours, songs and stories and relating words to movement. Built in time for relaxation practice.

Classes are in blocks but pay as you go sessions can be pre-booked.

Recommend a friend and you get a session free!

Ante Natal Aqua Yoga as Aquacalm4mums2b: Castledon School Wickford Monday evenings

e mail Website

Parent and Baby/Pre school swimming classes as Little Otters

e mail Website

Mondays or Fridays Castledon School Wickford

Wednesdays or Friday Newlands Spring School Chelmsford


21423 Winsen, Germany

Du hast gerade ein Kind bekommen? Dann herzlich willkommen im Mama-Baby-Universum. 

Die Zeit nach der Geburt steckt ebenso voller Veränderungen wie die Schwangerschaft. Nach den ersten turbulenten Wochen besteht dein Alltag aus Stillen und Spucktuch, Windeln und Waschmaschine. Und leider gehören auch schlaflose Nächte, Tage mit Bauchweh und Wachstumsschübe deines Babys dazu. Zeit für dich bleibt da wenig. Dabei ist es wichtig, sich diese Zeit zu nehmen. 

Ich bin Janine und lebe mit meinem Mann, unseren drei Kindern und unseren beiden Hunden in Winsen. Seit der Geburt meiner Kinder war für mich klar, dass ich gerne mit Kindern arbeiten möchte. Gestartet habe ich mit Kinderturnen und Spielkreisen, mit meiner Baby-/Toddler-Yoga und DELFI-Ausbildung habe ich mir einen Herzenswunsch erfüllt, auch die ganz Kleinen ein Stück auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten.

Dußlingen, Germany
+49 7072 6508+49 7072 6508
+49 1777976788+49 1777976788
+49 07072 923251

Ich bin eine Physiotherapeutin mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Behandlung von Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen. Hierzu wende ich individuell abgestimmte Behandlungsmethoden der Schulmedizin (Bobath, Vojta, Castillo Morales), sowie Baby Yoga, Baby Shiatsu und Shonishin, mit Erfolg an.


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Liz Thompson, infant massage and yoga instructor. Works within the community, hospital setting, private practice and via referral from Islington Brightstart North and Central. Liz specialisies in empowering parents through positive touch and movement in the early weeks of parenthood for vulnerable babies and families.


I started my practice in 2008 while travelling in India. Hatha yoga classes were my first experience. The more I practised the more I realised the needs not only of my body but the whole thing which is called “I am”.  After came pregnancy – one, then another and I became completely sure about the fact that I am a woman. And my practice started slowly to change from static strict forms to smooth slow movements. I started to pay more attention to the feelings, emotions which come and  go throughout the practice and I became more attentive to the sensations. I was fascinated by Birthlight approach in helping women preserve health, become strong and feminine altogether.

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I run baby yoga classes for babies from 10 weeks to pre-crawling and YogaTotts for babies from pre-crawling to 18 months. At the moment, my baby yoga classes are in person but will be taken online in the event of another lockdown.YogaTotts will be postponed until we can resume in-person sessions.

I work in venues in BS4 and BS3 in Bristol.

Showing 61 - 80 of 174 results