Experienced hatha yoga and certified Birthlight teacher. Passionate about helping women to help themselves. Author of two books about natural ways to help women thrive. ‘Hormonal Harmony’ and ‘J’accompagne ma ménopause avec le yoga’. Based in Mallorca and also teaching online in French on Yoga Connect.

Keeping Aquanatal going for mums since 2009.
Classes that give you the chance to Come and meet new mums, exercise, relax, and enjoy the eater during and after your pregnancy.
Prenatal classes are specially designed for all stages of pregnancy, supporting you with physical and emotional needs whilst being pregnant in an environment that will make you feel part of a team and not alone.
Exercises can be altered to help support SPD, PGP and other aliments as you are an individual.
Classes allow you to bond with your unborn child and relax away the stresses from the outside world.
Postnatal is now renamed at Aqua4mum.
These classes are designed to help you restore your core, abs, back muscles, Pelvic floors, shoulders, and release the hormone Cortisol that is the primary stress builder, as we adapt to new world of family, friends and work life balance.
All exercises we do are to promote pelvic tone, re-alignment and stability of the spine and pelvis, a good class to attend is you have had a c-section, lower back problems in or before pregnancy.
Aqua4mums welcomes all who think this will do them good.
Online sessions on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm
Я веду групповые классы и индивидуальные занятия по женской йоге, йоге для беременных и йоге после родов на Юго-Западе Москвы. Также провожу патронаж новорожденных (купание + мамин массаж) с выездом на дом.
Кроме дипломов Birthlight, имею квалификацию преподавателя женской йогатерапии и перинатальной йоги, в т.ч. реабилитация диастаза, по системе Adama Yoga.
Psychologist, perinatal and postnatal yoga instructor. Face yoga instructor: online groups . Dance-Movement psychologist. Individual counselling + yoga classes for pregnant women in Moscow and online.
We run Aquanatal Yoga classes in Southend on Thursday evenings. You can come trial a class for £12 then it’s booked in 4 week blocks for £48. Suitable from your first scan. It’s a lovely way to connect with your growing baby while easing up all the aches and pains of pregnancy.
We also run land pregnancy yoga classes in Westcliff, Rayleigh, Benfleet and Leigh.

I run small socially distanced hatha yoga classes. Well Woman classes will be added soon. Please contact me for more details.
I teach WellWoman yoga on line via Zoom to small groups. I also plan to teach a live class at The Self Centre in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk http://www.the-self-centre.co.uk when Covid regulations make this viable, but will also continue with the online group for the foreseeable future. I also teach general Hatha Yoga classes and Yoga for those Living with Cancer at The Self Centre.
My passion is the miracle of the human body, this extraordinary vehicle that allows us to live in this wonderful, if challenging, world. Yoga gives us powerful tools to find fulfilment and tranquility during the journey of our lives. Sharing the gift of yoga is the best job in the world.
I offer pre and postnatal yoga in Brussels (Belgium) and on line.
EN:Women’s bodies are incredibly well prepared for gestation and childbirth. However, sedentary and stressful lifestyles compromise these innate capacities, not to mention how society conceptualizes pregnancy and childbirth as a medical event in which the woman has little or no power. I believe that yoga can help you live a healthier pregnancy and birth: to feel stronger, more mobile, to create the best possible ecosystem for your baby, to avoid debilitating aches and pains, to learn to use all the physiological tools that nature has given you. My classes are fun, intense, compassionate and full of information.
ES: El cuerpo de las mujeres esta increiblemente bien preparado para gestar y parir. Sin embargo, los estilos de vida modernos, sedentarios y estresantes, comprometen esas capacidades innatas, por no hablar de como la sociedad conceptualiza el embarazo y el parto como un suceso médico en el que la mujer tiene poco o ningun poder. Creo que el yoga puede ayudarte a tener un embarazo y un parto saludables: a sentirte más àgil y sana, a crear el mejor ecosistema posible para tu bebe, a evitar molestias y dolores debilitantes, a aprender a utilizar todas las herramientas fisiologicas que la naturaleza te ha dado. Mis clases son divertidas, intensas, amorosas y llenas de información. Búscme en Bruselas, Bélgica, o on line.
Senior teacher (over 30 years) BWY. Well Woman Yoga diploma (2011), Fertility Yoga. Diastasis Recti recovery & support. Yoga for Menopause/support group, Baby massage instructor, Pregnancy Yoga
1-1 & group classes in all the above, both online & in person. Weekly groups, 1-1 , mini retreats, residential retreats
Massage therapies including Therapeutic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stones, Ayurvedic Foot Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Reiki Master.

Vera has been practicing yoga since 1992 and teaching from 2004. She holds teaching diplomas from British Wheel of Yoga, Birthlight, Yoga Therapy Diploma (YC) and children teaching training from Special Yoga Centre. Vera has extensive training in meditation and mindfulness practices. She also trained as a Doula with Dr Michel Odent.
Vera’s primary focus now is on developing holistic therapeutic approach that supports each woman on her unique journey (issues with female health, postnatal recovery, pregnancy, fertility, menopause) with the use of yoga and other complimentary practices that she picked up along the way.
Vera teaches regular group classes on Mondays in online format (well-woman yoga, postpartum, fertility and pregnancy) as well as having 1-2-1 yoga therapy with clients (both online and face to face in her clinic) who require a developed of more specific programme that can address their specific concerns.
Pregnancy Yoga classes, in a welcoming comfortable and safe space, offer a different theme every week, from ‘Posture and Back Care’ to ‘Breathe in the Land of the Undoing’. Birthlight core practices are reinforced each week, antenatal yoga breathing is a constant, and everyone’s favourite section, deep baby-bonding relaxation, is developed over the weeks to enable everyone to develop the skill of surrendering to their natural deep relaxed state.
The first 4 weeks is offered as a course, then subsequent sessions are on a drop-in basis.
Do not hesitate to call me for any further information 07867746233
I have been teaching Birthlight Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga for 15 years in Zurich, Switzerland. My weekly group classes are both In-Person and Online Live. I teach at Pilates Zürich, Friedaustrasse 17, 8003 Zürich. I also offer Birth Preparation Workshops, Baby Massage and Baby Yoga courses. Please visit my website for more information about my services: http://www.yogadoula.ch
I have experienced and witnessed the transformative effects of the Birthlight practices on women and their families. As a Birthlight Perinatal and Postnatal Yoga Tutor, I am honored to pass on the Birthlight philosophy to yoga teachers and maternity professionals so that they may support families in their own communities.
I offer private instruction both In-Person and Online, and am happy to schedule something with you either at the studio or at your home. Please contact me directly to schedule your session: info@yogadoula.ch
My certification as a Birth and Postpartum Doula rounds out my offering so that I can provide constant, professional and empathetic support through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal year.

Baby yoga (and baby massage) classes are run in Hailsham and other areas in East Sussex (also on Zoom). Suitable from a few weeks old to crawling. Enjoy songs, stretches, gentle toning and relaxation for your baby and you and meet others. Classes are friendly, informal, inclusive and offer variations for each move for the baby according to his/her age, development stage and personality. Each term there is a different theme with different songs and the opportunity for fancy dress for the final week. Gentle post natal exercises are included for mothers including care for the pelvic floor and if you have diastasis recti. Props such as baby yoga balls and sensory scarves add to the fun. All classes are very baby friendly and parents dip in and out of the class to feed, cuddle etc. If you miss a week, I send you a recording. A yoga pack is included with lots of exercises, songs and post natal breathing in. Home made cakes are provided for the final week!
Ongoing support provided with baby massage, post natal yoga. I also teach pregnancy yoga.
After the birth of my child, I discovered Birthlight baby yoga. Fascinated by its positive effects on bonding and infant development, I became a certified baby yoga teacher in 2018, followed by qualifications in toddler and postnatal yoga. I now teach yoga for women, parents, and caregivers with babies and toddlers in Hamburg. Additionally, I serve as a tutor for baby yoga, training others in this enriching practice.
Studio Vandaan was set up by Danielle van Grieken in 2010 and as a city-based yoga studio is completely focused on yoga and relaxation around motherhood. Our team offers small-scale live, live-stream and online Fertility, Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga classes. We will guide you in a professional and personal way and will always take your personal wishes into account; no matter where you are! Feel welcome to join in one of our studio’s in Utrecht or online!
Studio Vandaan is opgericht door Danielle van Grieken in 2010 en is als yogastudio volledig ingericht op het moederschap. Fertiliteitsyoga, zwangerschapsyoga, postnatale yoga: bij ons vind je alle begeleiding op je pad van kinderwens tot moederschap. Onze yogadocenten, doula’s en masseurs zijn allemaal betrokken en liefdevol. Naast voor online yogalessen kun je bij ons ook terecht voor live groepslessen in onze studio’s in Utrecht of voor privélessen bij je thuis.
I offer specialist fertility yoga, yoga during pregnancy and Birthlight postnatal yoga in Richmond, London and online. My passion is to help women in their 1st to 4th trimesters and beyond feel calmer, more comfortable, and equipped for birth and early motherhood with group and one-to-one pregnancy yoga classes and mum and baby yoga classes, and online courses.
My classes are designed to help you find ease, relax, reduce common aches and pains, prepare and heal from birth. And make your transition into motherhood a little easier. No yoga experience necessary.
I offer the following services:
- Group pregnancy yoga classes in Richmond, London and online
- One-to-one pregnancy yoga classes in your home and online, including yoga in early pregnancy and birth preparation workshops
- Group mum and baby yoga classes in Richmond, London and online
- One-to-one postnatal exercise and recovery yoga in your home and online
- Online pre-recorded pregnancy yoga course “Pregnant in Anxious times”
- Online pre-recorded course ‘Yoga and baby massage for colic & reflux babies’
My approach to yoga during pregnancy involves a combination of yoga-based movement, breathing techniques, mindfulness and deep relaxation, as well as antenatal information and birth preparation. My pregnancy yoga classes are suitable from the first trimester right up until birth for all women, and designed to complement your antenatal care.
I also specialise in pregnancy anxiety and pregnancy after infertility and loss.
My mum and baby yoga classes combine Birthlight postnatal yoga for mum, and baby massage and baby yoga for baby, suitable from 3 weeks after birth (including caesarean birth) until your baby is crawling.
For further information and booking, please visit: http://www.firsttofourthyoga.co.uk
In-person group pregnancy yoga classes and mum and baby yoga classes are accessible in Richmond, London at Studio 17, East Twickenham.
Fertility yoga sessions available on a one-to-one basis, at home or online. More information on my sister Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/ameliecresswell.yoga
I offer a free 15 minute initial telephone consultation for all one-to-one sessions (fertility yoga, yoga in early pregnancy, yoga during pregnancy, birth preparation, postnatal exercise and recovery, how to do baby massage for colic). Email me to book a consultation, or book a slot directly from my website http://www.firsttofourthyoga.co.uk