Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
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Palmerston North, New Zealand

Baby Yoga classes are on Mondays at Square Edge Community Arts Centre in Palmerston North.

Monday 9.30 – Mobile babies & toddlers
Monday 10.45 – Pre mobile babies

Please do message or email me to book your space:
Birthlight Baby Yoga is a lovely combination of baby and adult yoga moves, woven together with songs and lots of fun.
I am a Birthlight certified Baby Yoga teacher. The long term impact of this rewarding and important work is what we call, “expanding spirals of joy” for women, babies and new families worldwide.
My baby yoga classes nurture the well-being of women, babies and new parents.

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Grosvenor Rd, Wanstead, London E11 2EW, UK

Hi, I’m Sally from Buddha Baby.  I’ve been teaching Birthlight Baby Yoga since 2011 and love it!  I am well-known locally for providing friendly, nurturing, small-group classes, with a light-hearted teaching approach.  I just recently completed my training in Toddler Yoga and very much look forward to exploring this 2022!

Buddha Baby combines my passion for teaching with my interest in holistic wellbeing practices. I’m a consultant in primary PSHE education and babywearing; baby massage, baby yoga, toddler yoga and massage-in-schools instructor; massage therapist; and yoga enthusiast. I also offer pregnancy and well-woman massage from the sanctuary of my beautiful home.

Find out about my classes and services at:

Connect with me at:



Here’s a testimonial from one of my clients, Pamela: ‘I’ve just finished the baby yoga course and it has been the best bonding experience for me and my baby. My baby loved it every week – baby yoga always makes him smile, even if he’s been fussy! ! Sally really puts her heart into making the class intimate and enjoyable for everyone. As a new mother who needed something to build my confidence and just get me out of the house, this class has been a joy.’

Elm Gardens, London N2 0TF, UK

Pregnancy Yoga Virtual Class

Zoom from London or in person NW3 when allowed London, UK

Class Length: 1 hour 15 minutes
Cost to Attend: £15 for a trial session or £60 for 6 classes
Level: Beginner

This class is suited to pregnant women from 14 weeks to 40+ weeks. It is full of wonderful safe stretches suitable to help with the changing pregnant body. You will also learn breathing techniques that are invaluable for labour and all kinds of birth.





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Springfield Lane, Weybridge KT13 8AW, UK

My tried and tested live and interactive sessions whether online or in-person are great for creating a lasting bond, stimulating and supporting a baby’s physical, emotional and social development as well as helping to relieve colic, sleeping difficulties, constipation, teething and other ailments.

My baby massage & yoga courses are suitable for all parents and babies, I demonstrate on a doll and only parents massage their baby and you do not need to come from a yoga background.

Baby Massage & Yoga are a perfect pair, beautiful and loving ways to connect & soothe your baby and has fantastic health benefits.

As well as open group sessions, I also offer one to one session do get in touch if I can be of service to you.


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Bury St Edmunds, Bury Saint Edmunds, UK

Fridays 10am:  Baby Yoga classes – 10 weeks to confident walker.

Fridays 11.15: Tots Yoga classes – confident walkers to preschooler.

5 week courses run during term time.

5 week Baby Massage and intro to yoga courses

Mindfulness with children

Support on ‘hot’ baby issues, such as sleeping, feeding, settling baby.

Ijzerwegstraat 18, Ostend, Belgium

My name is Julie, I`m all about birth

I opened my own yogastudio in Ostend: studiomoonbirth where i teach prenatal yoga classes / mama/baby yoga / hypnobirthing and i’m also a doula and birth photographer, as i said all about birth.

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Paxman Road, King's Lynn PE30 4NE, UK
Louise A Whitehead – Owner of Babies at Ease – International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) Baby Massage Instructor, Birthlight Baby & Toddler Yoga Instructor.
I have worked within early years sector for over 20 years, in primary schools, playgroups, nurseries, a children centre and currently working part time as a Family Support Worker in the new Early Childhood and Family Service (Kings Lynn & West Norfolk).
I ‘m married with two children an 11 year old daughter and 8 year old son, so they keep me busy when I’m not working.
My highest qualification I hold is a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies, I’m DBS checked and hold an up to date Paediatric First Aid Certificate.
When my children were born I really wanted to attend some baby yoga sessions. I could not find any in West Norfolk. So, when I had the opportunity to gain some training I jumped at the chance! I travelled to London and completed a 3-6 mth baby yoga course for 2 days and then went back a few months later to complete a 6-12mth baby yoga and toddler to preschool yoga for 4 days. I have been International Association of Infant Massage trained for 5 years and have loved every session since then.
So 3 years ago I started Babies at Ease.
Below is a short explanation of Baby massage and Baby yoga.
Baby massage – The IAIM baby massage course draws from both the Indian and Swedish massage traditions as well as incorporating principles from yoga and reflexology. The sessions teacher care givers a sequence of rhythmic stokes and soothing holds which have been developed and refined over many years. The four main area of benefit are Interaction and bonding, relaxation, relief, stimulation. Massaging your baby provides a wonderful opportunity for expression your love, whilst meeting the high need for touch and affection that is do essential for the healthy development of all babies.
Baby yoga – Birthlight baby yoga sessions are inspired from the approach of the Peruvian Amazon native people and some traditional techniques used with infants in India. The years of experience of the founder of Birthlight Fancoise Freedman and research underline the integrated set of exercises presented in these courses. Babies have an open hearts and minds and are ready to embrace new experiences. They are eager for communication and interaction. Their bodies are flexible and unfolding. Yoga provides the stimulation of touch, movement and rhythm as well as the stillness of deep relaxation. The loving handling of babies during yoga sessions and the shared enjoyment of the experience for both carer and baby promotes early bonding and creates a secure and happy foundation of well-being. Baby Yoga opens our heart to allow energy to flow and communication to develop between carer and baby.
Toddler Yoga – Birthlight toddler sessions are about stretching, moving and relaxation together and have been developed from the firm foundations in baby yoga. Toddler yoga offers a whole new experience of fun for the young child and the moves and sequences offers support in every area of their development, physical, cognitive, social and emotional. Children learn through their senses, enjoyable and meaningful activities are remembered and help establish patterns of learning and an understanding of the world around them. In toddler Yoga we being to use stories and imaginative games, often inspired by the children themselves. The sessions offer a wonderful opportunity for family bonding, making new friends and support every area of development. Toddler yoga is a combination of baby yoga approach for toddlers and pre school children. Using songs and rhymes alongside movement and stretching, the sessions are designed to support the transition from babyhood to independent movement. Children and their carer are brought together in an holistic, yoga based experience.
Please come and join me !!!
Love Louise x
Dußlingen, Germany
+49 7072 6508+49 7072 6508
+49 1777976788+49 1777976788
+49 07072 923251

Ich bin eine Physiotherapeutin mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Behandlung von Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen. Hierzu wende ich individuell abgestimmte Behandlungsmethoden der Schulmedizin (Bobath, Vojta, Castillo Morales), sowie Baby Yoga, Baby Shiatsu und Shonishin, mit Erfolg an.



Pre Natal Yoga

These pre-natal yoga classes are perfect for ‘mums-to-be’ from 12 weeks onwards.

The gentle yet effective approach of these classes aims to internalise the practices and techniques in order to build a body memory that can be called upon with ease, instinctively in daily life, during labour and beyond.

Pregnancy yoga benefits include:

Increase awareness in body, breath and postural changes.

Expanding breathing capabilities in order to breathe for two, assist during labour and birth.

Pelvic awareness (unfold range of movements and as foundational support for the body).

Tone and release pelvic floor muscles in preparation for labour and beyond.

Boost energy and reduce fatigue.

Increase resilience and ease tensions in both body and mind.

Yoga for common pregnancy issues: pelvic girdle pain, encouraging baby into optimal birthing position, better sleep, etc.

Restorative yoga for mums to be & yoga nidra

Postnatal Yoga (without Baby)

Nurturing Gentle Yoga class for Mothers. From 12 weeks onwards and up to any time postpartum.

Open to anyone who’d like to reconnect to body, mind and with other local Mothers.

For those interested in Mum and Baby Yoga (Postnatal with Baby) we are resuming classes in September 2021.

Postnatal Yoga with Baby

Nurturing class for you and your baby. Take some time out to
relax, recuperate, re-strength and meet other mums while your
baby relaxes with you in a safe environment.

Please see our website for full details (link listed above)


Mavis Avenue, Cookridge, Leeds LS16 7LJ, UK

Deborah teaches classes for babies 12 weeks + as well as movers and toddlers. Please contact her for class details in the Leeds area.

21423 Winsen, Germany

Du hast gerade ein Kind bekommen? Dann herzlich willkommen im Mama-Baby-Universum. 

Die Zeit nach der Geburt steckt ebenso voller Veränderungen wie die Schwangerschaft. Nach den ersten turbulenten Wochen besteht dein Alltag aus Stillen und Spucktuch, Windeln und Waschmaschine. Und leider gehören auch schlaflose Nächte, Tage mit Bauchweh und Wachstumsschübe deines Babys dazu. Zeit für dich bleibt da wenig. Dabei ist es wichtig, sich diese Zeit zu nehmen. 

Ich bin Janine und lebe mit meinem Mann, unseren drei Kindern und unseren beiden Hunden in Winsen. Seit der Geburt meiner Kinder war für mich klar, dass ich gerne mit Kindern arbeiten möchte. Gestartet habe ich mit Kinderturnen und Spielkreisen, mit meiner Baby-/Toddler-Yoga und DELFI-Ausbildung habe ich mir einen Herzenswunsch erfüllt, auch die ganz Kleinen ein Stück auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten.

Gürtelstrasse 72, Chur, Switzerland

Das Yoga Loft befindet sich im Zentrum von Chur und bietet dir ein vielfältiges Kursangebot und inspirierende Workshops. Sei herzlich eingeladen – ob als Yoganeuling oder Langzeityogi.

Das Yoga Loft Chur ist aus dem Wunsch nach einer Gemeinschaft entstanden. Eine Gemeinschaft, in der sich Yogis aller Art zusammenfinden, egal ob Anfänger, Fortgeschritten oder Profi, gross oder klein, Schwanger, junge Mamis & Babies.

Unser Motto:
ZusammenSEIN, zusammen PRAKTIZIEREN, zusammen ATMEN – we are all one!

Das Yoga Loft Chur bietet unkompliziertes, flexibles Praktizieren, kunterbunt gemischte Lehrer, verschiedene Yogastile und das alles unter einem Dach. Mit einem auf dich zugeschnittenen Abo sowie dem einfachen Buchungs-System verpasst du nie mehr deine Lieblingslektionen oder Workshops.

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Woodgrange Road, London, Greater London E7 0QH, UK, The Gate library

Postnatal Yoga 

Nurturing postnatal yoga class with the chance to incorporate the babies into the practice. Great opportunity to relax, recuperate, regain strength and meet other mums while your baby relaxes with you in a safe environment.  Postnatal Yoga benefits include: Core stability (pelvic floor, abdominals, gluteus and back muscles); Realign and maintain suppleness in the spine; Tone deep muscles to ‘close the body’ after pregnancy and birth; Relieve stiffness; promote relaxation through breath’s expansion; detox the system improving blood flow; boost mood and confidence

Toddler Yoga

Age range: 12 months – 4 years

Fun and stimulating “Yoga Inspired” activity for the child and their adult.

Adult and child participate with one another exploring Yoga shapes & moves, mindfulness & breath-work through fun themes, music, games and often relaxing storytelling at the end of the class. This is a great chance for both the adult and the child to do a little exercise as well as discover new ways to unwind together.


My name is Jo and I have been working with families since 2001. I trained as a Norland Nanny in the UK and then moved to Wellington, New Zealand with my husband and four children.

I teach baby massage and baby yoga which are both fantastic ways to connect with our babies.

Please get in touch if you would like anymore information.

If alert levels change due to Covid I am able to offer classes online.


Yoga teacher in Santorini | Hatha flow yoga | Prenatal and Postnatal (also Mum & Baby) yoga | Yoga retreats and yoga holidays | Group and Private classes

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