Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
21423 Winsen, Germany

Du hast gerade ein Kind bekommen? Dann herzlich willkommen im Mama-Baby-Universum. 

Die Zeit nach der Geburt steckt ebenso voller Veränderungen wie die Schwangerschaft. Nach den ersten turbulenten Wochen besteht dein Alltag aus Stillen und Spucktuch, Windeln und Waschmaschine. Und leider gehören auch schlaflose Nächte, Tage mit Bauchweh und Wachstumsschübe deines Babys dazu. Zeit für dich bleibt da wenig. Dabei ist es wichtig, sich diese Zeit zu nehmen. 

Ich bin Janine und lebe mit meinem Mann, unseren drei Kindern und unseren beiden Hunden in Winsen. Seit der Geburt meiner Kinder war für mich klar, dass ich gerne mit Kindern arbeiten möchte. Gestartet habe ich mit Kinderturnen und Spielkreisen, mit meiner Baby-/Toddler-Yoga und DELFI-Ausbildung habe ich mir einen Herzenswunsch erfüllt, auch die ganz Kleinen ein Stück auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten.

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Blissful Bebe Yoga offers you a wonderful opportunity to bond with your baby, relax together and nourish yourself with gentle stretches, songs and savasana in a supportive circle.

Classes available for pre-crawlers (3-9 months approx) and mobile babies (6-18 months approx).

You are warmly welcome to join us,


Birthlight Baby Yoga Instructor 

Certified Infant Massage Instructor

Story Massage Best Practice Instructor



Sarah Brannen started Warm Hearts Yoga in 2013, when she was looking for a local yoga class that she could attend with her young daughter. Sarah is a registered 200 hour yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance.

Warm Hearts Yoga specialises in postnatal yoga, parent and baby yoga and yoga for families, as well as offering traditional yoga classes for adults.

Sarah originally trained with Birthlight and Rainbow Yoga, specialising in baby yoga, postnatal yoga, yoga for toddlers, children and families. She went on to study with CYS for her 200hr Yoga teaching qualification and with Uma Dinsmore Tuli’s Womb Yoga for an additional 40 hour postnatal and family yoga qualification.

Sarah passionately believes that yoga can provide so much more than strength, flexibility and fitness. She has found it has helped her to find a sense of calm amidst the chaos, to remain steady through the constant change, to love and accept herself, and to find a path to follow that feels right.


My name is Jo and I have been working with families since 2001. I trained as a Norland Nanny in the UK and then moved to Wellington, New Zealand with my husband and four children.

I teach baby massage and baby yoga which are both fantastic ways to connect with our babies.

Please get in touch if you would like anymore information.

If alert levels change due to Covid I am able to offer classes online.


I teach Mum and Baby Yoga, which I call Mindful Movement with Mama at some beautiful venues in South East London:

The Sunflower Centre in Brockley, SE4

The Mansion within Beckenham Place Park, BR3

Soma Space in Honor Oak Park, SE23

Please check my website, or get in touch for details and how to book.

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Springfield Lane, Weybridge KT13 8AW, UK

My tried and tested live and interactive sessions whether online or in-person are great for creating a lasting bond, stimulating and supporting a baby’s physical, emotional and social development as well as helping to relieve colic, sleeping difficulties, constipation, teething and other ailments.

My baby massage & yoga courses are suitable for all parents and babies, I demonstrate on a doll and only parents massage their baby and you do not need to come from a yoga background.

Baby Massage & Yoga are a perfect pair, beautiful and loving ways to connect & soothe your baby and has fantastic health benefits.

As well as open group sessions, I also offer one to one session do get in touch if I can be of service to you.


I joined the Birthlight team of teachers after completing my Pre-natal Yoga Diploma in 2006.  I then went onto complete my Baby Yoga Diploma and Wellwoman Yoga Diploma. I have also completed a Birth Preparation Course.  I have taught a Birthlight CPD on Prenatal Yoga.

21 Effra Parade, London SW2 1PZ, UK

Baby yoga classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am. 

I also teach pregnancy yoga, please email me to book.

Baby yoga is great for your baby’s physical, neurological and social development. We gently assist their movement to harness their natural reflexes and curiosity, we also include some baby massage. Baby yoga is great for soothing babies, releasing frustration and helping with mood and sleep.

Part of the class will be postnatal yoga (adapted for dads/carers). We strengthen pelvic floor and gently build core strength, release tight muscles and learn simple breathing practices for relaxation.

It’s a lovely way to bond and move together with your baby at the same time as meeting local mums / parents.

If you find you want to rest or feed for most of the class that is absolutely welcome.

“My baby loves Georgia’s classes – even on days when she is overtired, as soon as the class starts she is all smiles and giggles. The yoga classes are definitely her happy place!” – Jennie

Mavis Avenue, Cookridge, Leeds LS16 7LJ, UK

Deborah teaches classes for babies 12 weeks + as well as movers and toddlers. Please contact her for class details in the Leeds area.


Friendly, relaxing small group classes suitable from 12 weeks postpartum.

Movement and relaxation for parent and baby. Stretches specially designed to aid babies developing mobility and co-ordination and to support Mums post-natal recovery and well being.

Classes running in Ely and Soham.

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Grosvenor Rd, Wanstead, London E11 2EW, UK

Hi, I’m Sally from Buddha Baby.  I’ve been teaching Birthlight Baby Yoga since 2011 and love it!  I am well-known locally for providing friendly, nurturing, small-group classes, with a light-hearted teaching approach.  I just recently completed my training in Toddler Yoga and very much look forward to exploring this 2022!

Buddha Baby combines my passion for teaching with my interest in holistic wellbeing practices. I’m a consultant in primary PSHE education and babywearing; baby massage, baby yoga, toddler yoga and massage-in-schools instructor; massage therapist; and yoga enthusiast. I also offer pregnancy and well-woman massage from the sanctuary of my beautiful home.

Find out about my classes and services at:

Connect with me at:



Here’s a testimonial from one of my clients, Pamela: ‘I’ve just finished the baby yoga course and it has been the best bonding experience for me and my baby. My baby loved it every week – baby yoga always makes him smile, even if he’s been fussy! ! Sally really puts her heart into making the class intimate and enjoyable for everyone. As a new mother who needed something to build my confidence and just get me out of the house, this class has been a joy.’

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Woodgrange Road, London, Greater London E7 0QH, UK, The Gate library

Postnatal Yoga 

Nurturing postnatal yoga class with the chance to incorporate the babies into the practice. Great opportunity to relax, recuperate, regain strength and meet other mums while your baby relaxes with you in a safe environment.  Postnatal Yoga benefits include: Core stability (pelvic floor, abdominals, gluteus and back muscles); Realign and maintain suppleness in the spine; Tone deep muscles to ‘close the body’ after pregnancy and birth; Relieve stiffness; promote relaxation through breath’s expansion; detox the system improving blood flow; boost mood and confidence

Toddler Yoga

Age range: 12 months – 4 years

Fun and stimulating “Yoga Inspired” activity for the child and their adult.

Adult and child participate with one another exploring Yoga shapes & moves, mindfulness & breath-work through fun themes, music, games and often relaxing storytelling at the end of the class. This is a great chance for both the adult and the child to do a little exercise as well as discover new ways to unwind together.


I teach several weekly yoga classes on different locations in Zutphen via Geel Geluk. Check my schedule for my current agenda. I love to welcome you on the mat.

Mijn naam is Nadine, yogadocent (Yin, Restorative, Zwangerschap, Postnataal en Babyyoga), mama van 2 jongens (2017 & 2020), groot liefhebber van het ondersteunen van vrouwen tijdens de 4 trimesters van hun zwangerschap en eeuwige leerling van het leven. Samen met mijn mannen woon ik sinds 2019 in Zutphen. Daarvoor woonde en werkte ik in Utrecht.  Ik ben gecertifieerd Birthlight docent voor zwangerschap, postnataal en baby yoga en ik heb al honderden vrouwen mogen ondersteunen in deze bijzondere periode van hun leven. Mijn leerlingen beschrijven mij vaak als een docente met oog voor detail en verschillende individuele behoeften en waarderen mijn humor en zorgzaamheid. Ik verwelkom je graag op de mat tijdens een groepsles of in een prive sessie.

Arrondissement de Pau, France

Tam-Tamz is an academy offering music, dance and yoga activities for young children from birth to six years old.  Musical awakening, dance, Zumbini® and baby yoga are some of the classes available for you and your child to share together.  It is a unique moment of coming together with your child and bonding through music and movement.

Created in 2009 under the original name of Samba Babies, Tammy has continued to grow the musical classes and expand further to create more opportunities for parent/baby classes including baby yoga, baby massage and more recently Zumbini®.

« Moving around the world has enabled me to take influences from

several different cultures and to grow samba babies from a simple

music for babies class to a deeper and more enriching experience

between parent/carer and baby. » – Tammy

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I pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Belfast and Lisburn, Northern Ireland from 2003.Supporting women and babies at the beginning of life’s adventure together  is at the heart of the Yoga that I teach. For full information of what types of Yoga and Baby Massage I teach online and in venues, please check out my website. Namaste.

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St James Trust, 11 Blatchington Road, Seaford, East Sussex, UK, BN25 2AB

Baby yoga courses are run every half term in Seaford,East Sussex and surrounding areas.  Suitable for all babies from around 8 weeks up to crawling.  People often say this is the most beneficial and enjoyable and fun course they do with their baby.  You both get to enjoy memorable songs whilst stretching and relaxing.  Sensory aids such as baby yoga balls and colourful scarves to encourage movement.  Fantastic to encourage movement, fine and gross motorskills, healthy brain development with brain gym movements, moves to help digestion and joint relaxation at the end with sensory lights.  Parents get to remove post natal aches and pains with restorative post natal recovery exercises. Photos and home-made cakes at the final week.  Very baby friendly and parents dip in and out to feed, cuddle and have the option to use baby yoga dolls should their baby sleep.  Yoga packs provided and a recording sent if you miss a week.  Baby massage classes also offered in Seaford and Newhaven.


➡️Before kids
1️⃣2️⃣years in finance, auditing after Institute of international economic relations in international companies…
➡️After kids
1️⃣4️⃣ years of motherhood with 4 kids – 1, 5, 11, 14 years…
1️⃣2️⃣ years baby yoga, baby swimming instructor birthlight…
1️⃣1️⃣ years Course Organiser Birthlight in Russia, promoter, enspirer of Birthlight…

❤️In love with life, motherhood, family, kids, and my mission

Showing 1 - 20 of 71 results