Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
Wheelers Hill VIC, Australia

Baby yoga, Baby massage class (online class)

Megumi offers classes in Japanese and English. She got Baby Yoga diploma in London at Birthlight and now being based in Melbourne.She is certified Yoga, Baby Massage, Prenatal yoga, Pilates mat instructor.  Previously she was trained as a dancer. Her class is calm and fun. On each approach, you will be guided in gentle & mindful way, aiming to feel relaxed and find your own balance in your life.

Myrthe Moors

Postnatal Yoga Teacher based in Venlo, The Netherlands


Kate has been teaching yoga since 2004, and specialised in Yoga for Menopause with Birthlight in 2021.  Since then she has been teaching weekly classes to women at all stages of menopause, and has recently qualified as a BWY CPD tutor in Yoga for Menopause.  So many women find this transitional time incredibly challenging, and yoga can really help women to cope with some of the symptoms they encounter.  The support of other women is incredibly nurturing and nourishing, so all classes provide ample opportunity for conversation in our women’s circles.


I’m Julie Bickerton, founder of Nomad Therapy, here to support and nurture you throughout pregnancy, postnatally and through menopause.

My philosophy is to promote positive touch and accessible yoga. Providing a safe space where we can be honest and open about our experiences as women and building a community where friendships are made.

After my training as a baby massage instructor and having my son, my fascination with babies continued to grow and broaden.

Now in my midlife I am expanding my experience to support women through this period of their incredible lives.

I feel very lucky in my vocation. I love what I do and I continue to learn from every woman and baby that I meet.

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Horsepool, Bromham, Chippenham SN15 2HD, UK

Based in Wiltshire, I am currently running Well Woman Yoga online via Zoom, Postnatal Yoga for Mothers & Babies face to face in the Bromham Social Centre (socially distanced), Pregnancy/Perinatal Yoga in the White Horse Yoga Studio in Devizes with small groups face to face (as well as women who join online via Zoom) and Chair Yoga which is for anyone who has mobility/health issues, online via Zoom. All classes are carefully planned around the needs of the group with a focus on Pranayama (breathing practices), gentle yoga asanas (postures) and relaxation. My aim is to create a calm and nurturing environment for everyone who attends, giving each person the time and space to take what they need from the session.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have about Baby Massage or Baby Yoga, via my email address but I am not currently running classes as I am working full time in a local school.

I run weekly in person pregnancy yoga classes in Barnet, suitable for ladies from 14wks – full term.  Further details can be found here:

And also Mother and Baby yoga sessions from 6 weeks post.


Wandsworth, London, UK

Vera has been practicing yoga since 1992 and teaching from 2004. She holds teaching diplomas from British Wheel of Yoga, Birthlight, Yoga Therapy Diploma (YC) and children teaching training from Special Yoga Centre. Vera has extensive training in meditation and mindfulness practices. She also trained as a Doula with Dr Michel Odent.

Vera’s primary focus now is on developing holistic therapeutic approach that supports each woman on her unique journey (issues with female health, postnatal recovery, pregnancy, fertility, menopause) with the use of yoga and other complimentary practices that she picked up along the way.

Vera teaches regular group classes on Mondays in online format (well-woman yoga, postpartum, fertility and pregnancy) as well as having 1-2-1 yoga therapy with clients (both online and face to face in her clinic) who require a developed of more specific programme that can address their specific concerns.

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What a wonderful journey you are about to begin! Whether you’re about to become a parent or your journey has already begun, you have come to the right place!Our aim is to give you and your baby the opportunity to bond and thrive in a relaxing environment surrounded by support.

Join my Baby Massage or Baby Yoga classes, delivered in and around Rotherham and Barnsley.

Utrecht, Netherlands

Zwangerschapsyoga bij Yoga U in Utrecht.

Zwanger zijn is een spannende tijd waar er zowel lichamelijk als geestelijk veel veranderd. Iedere vrouw en iedere zwangerschap is uniek. Met de zwangerschapsyoga lessen wil ik iedere vrouw uitnodigen om te genieten van het nieuwe leven wat in je groeit. Omdat jouw lichaam 9 maanden lang heel hard aan het werk is voor jouw baby zal je in de lessen veel ontspanningsoefeningen tegenkomen gecombineerd met veilige yogahoudingen voor tijdens de zwangerschap. Maar ook praktische informatie en ademhalingstechnieken die je kunt gebruiken tijdens de geboorte van je kindje en bekkenbodemoefeningen om elasticiteit te creëren. Daarnaast is er genoeg ruimte om de connectie te maken met andere zwangere vrouwen, om te lachen en vragen te stellen. Je kunt vanaf 14 weken zwangerschap op ieder moment instappen in de les. Ook mogelijk als privéles.

I teach Mum and Baby Yoga, which I call Mindful Movement with Mama and Baby Massage at some beautiful venues in South East London:

The Sunflower Centre in Brockley, SE4

The Mansion within Beckenham Place Park, BR3

Soma Space in Honor Oak Park, SE23

Please check my website, or get in touch for details and how to book, I’d love to hear from you.

Horsforth, Leeds, UK

Since I launched Diddly Oms in 2018, I’m so proud that my mother and baby classes have been attended by so many parents in Leeds, bringing time together to bond and relax with your child. I also run toddler, pre-school and primary school classes and hope that you and your little ones can benefit from joining me too.

New Ipswich based classes due to open Autumn 2022 for babies and pre-schoolers.  Please watch this space or get in touch directly…

Kattebroekstraat 85, 1700 Dilbeek, Belgium

For years I have been amazed by the connection between parents and their child. I chose to immerse myself into activities that promote this connection: prenatal and postnatal yoga, babywearing, nurturing baby massage, baby yoga and the Dunstan Baby Language. I live in Dilbeek, located right next to Brussels. Through my education and professional experience as a midwife and a neonatal pediatric nurse, I realized how valuable this connection is. As a mom, my two sweethearts continue to inspire me!

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I teach baby yoga at The Lemington Centre on Tuesdays 10-11am (term time only). I also teach Toddler yoga on Fridays 10-11am (term time only) at West Denton Community Centre, Hillheads Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE5 1DN.

Get in touch for more information.

Kinloch Rannoch, Pitlochry, Scotland, UK

My OnLine Pregnancy Yoga classes offer specialist yoga for pregnancy combined with a wealth of skills and knowledge about pregnancy, birth and parenthood. During the class you will learn about posture and movement, how to encourage your baby into the best possible position prior to birth, as well as labour techniques and deep relaxation.

  • Yoga – mindful movement
  • Relaxation 
  • Breathing awareness & sound
  • Pelvic floor awareness
  • Information about pregnancy and birth
  • Preparation for labour & birth through yoga
  • Discussion & sharing

Open to anyone from within the UK and beyond, who has access to Zoom.

Showing 1 - 20 of 178 results