Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
Horsforth, Leeds, UK

Since I launched Diddly Oms in 2018, I’m so proud that my mother and baby classes have been attended by so many parents in Leeds, bringing time together to bond and relax with your child. I also run toddler, pre-school and primary school classes and hope that you and your little ones can benefit from joining me too.


My name is Karen Wilson and I have been studying and practising yoga for over 10 years here and in America.

My training is recognised by the British Wheel of Yoga, Yoga Alliance and the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). I am also fully insured.

My classes incorporate the philosophy of hatha yoga with the asana (postural work) and prananyama (breath control).  I teach mixed ability classes, private on-to-one yoga, pregnancypostnatalbaby yoga and baby massage. (Please check out these pages for more details.)

I started practising in Chicago as a means of meeting people whilst I was on assignment with my job. On my return to the UK I continued my practice, attending various classes whilst continuing my corporate job. In 2009 I decided to re-order my life and combine my passion for yoga with the desire for a ‘career’. I left my 9-5 job and started my teaching diploma. I started teaching my first class a year into my course – 10 years on and I haven’t looked back once!

I have been undertaking professional development in yoga for cancer (those undergoing treatment, post surgery and carer support), long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome as well as additional studies in menstrual cycle awareness and knee rehabilitation.

The last 10 years has seen a lot of change through my life, relocations, job changes, studying, pregnancy, motherhood and even the way in which I practise yoga. However yoga has been with me throughout both on and off the mat regardless of how small a time I can manage to fit in. The yoga philosophy has helped me come to understand and manage these changes and the time of my mat has helped me to hold onto something concrete whilst also understanding that even my yoga practise has to adapt with life.

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Bury St Edmunds, Bury Saint Edmunds, UK

Fridays 10am:  Baby Yoga classes – 10 weeks to confident walker.

Fridays 11.15: Tots Yoga classes – confident walkers to preschooler.

5 week courses run during term time.

5 week Baby Massage and intro to yoga courses

Mindfulness with children

Support on ‘hot’ baby issues, such as sleeping, feeding, settling baby.

21423 Winsen, Germany

Du hast gerade ein Kind bekommen? Dann herzlich willkommen im Mama-Baby-Universum. 

Die Zeit nach der Geburt steckt ebenso voller Veränderungen wie die Schwangerschaft. Nach den ersten turbulenten Wochen besteht dein Alltag aus Stillen und Spucktuch, Windeln und Waschmaschine. Und leider gehören auch schlaflose Nächte, Tage mit Bauchweh und Wachstumsschübe deines Babys dazu. Zeit für dich bleibt da wenig. Dabei ist es wichtig, sich diese Zeit zu nehmen. 

Ich bin Janine und lebe mit meinem Mann, unseren drei Kindern und unseren beiden Hunden in Winsen. Seit der Geburt meiner Kinder war für mich klar, dass ich gerne mit Kindern arbeiten möchte. Gestartet habe ich mit Kinderturnen und Spielkreisen, mit meiner Baby-/Toddler-Yoga und DELFI-Ausbildung habe ich mir einen Herzenswunsch erfüllt, auch die ganz Kleinen ein Stück auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten.


Sarah Brannen started Warm Hearts Yoga in 2013, when she was looking for a local yoga class that she could attend with her young daughter. Sarah is a registered 200 hour yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance.

Warm Hearts Yoga specialises in postnatal yoga, parent and baby yoga and yoga for families, as well as offering traditional yoga classes for adults.

Sarah originally trained with Birthlight and Rainbow Yoga, specialising in baby yoga, postnatal yoga, yoga for toddlers, children and families. She went on to study with CYS for her 200hr Yoga teaching qualification and with Uma Dinsmore Tuli’s Womb Yoga for an additional 40 hour postnatal and family yoga qualification.

Sarah passionately believes that yoga can provide so much more than strength, flexibility and fitness. She has found it has helped her to find a sense of calm amidst the chaos, to remain steady through the constant change, to love and accept herself, and to find a path to follow that feels right.

Showing 21 - 27 of 27 results