➡️Before kids
1️⃣2️⃣years in finance, auditing after Institute of international economic relations in international companies…
➡️After kids
1️⃣4️⃣ years of motherhood with 4 kids – 1, 5, 11, 14 years…
1️⃣2️⃣ years baby yoga, baby swimming instructor birthlight…
1️⃣1️⃣ years Course Organiser Birthlight in Russia, promoter, enspirer of Birthlight…
❤️In love with life, motherhood, family, kids, and my mission
Psychologist, perinatal and postnatal yoga instructor. Face yoga instructor: online groups . Dance-Movement psychologist. Individual counselling + yoga classes for pregnant women in Moscow and online.
I started my practice in 2008 while travelling in India. Hatha yoga classes were my first experience. The more I practised the more I realised the needs not only of my body but the whole thing which is called “I am”. After came pregnancy – one, then another and I became completely sure about the fact that I am a woman. And my practice started slowly to change from static strict forms to smooth slow movements. I started to pay more attention to the feelings, emotions which come and go throughout the practice and I became more attentive to the sensations. I was fascinated by Birthlight approach in helping women preserve health, become strong and feminine altogether.
Я веду групповые классы и индивидуальные занятия по женской йоге, йоге для беременных и йоге после родов на Юго-Западе Москвы. Также провожу патронаж новорожденных (купание + мамин массаж) с выездом на дом.
Кроме дипломов Birthlight, имею квалификацию преподавателя женской йогатерапии и перинатальной йоги, в т.ч. реабилитация диастаза, по системе Adama Yoga.