Happy International Women’s Day!
These 3 simple instant practices can be used to stir up or wake up Shakti Prana, the feminine energy force.
The first one is to be grounded, and we plant our staff.
So we take an imaginary staff and we go HHAA!, planting it in front of us.
- Bend your knees and feel the four corners of your feet. Look straight ahead.
- Feel the power of the three lower chakras and the Hara.
- Plant your imaginary staff in front of you with a strong “Ha!” sound as you exhale.
- Repeat
- One day you might plant an actual tree and feel that strength, the strength of our Hara.
- Release and wobble.
Second Practice: Be Strong to Release with Strength
- Make fists and engage your whole body to avoid losing power when releasing.
- Feel the contact with your pelvic floor and glutes.Take a deep breath in.
- As you exhale, release with a “Ha” sound. This is a soft exhale, but still maintain your strength.
- This practice helps women release without losing their power.
- Repeat a few times, then release completely.
Third Practice: Heart Connection
- Connect the base of your palms together Namaste or Anjali mudra in front of your heart. Keep your fingers fingers soft.
- Look straight ahead with the drishti (focused gaze) of yoga. Feel awareness 360 degrees – the front and back of your heart.
- Feel strong in connection – “We are connected.”
- Connect mentally with your loved ones.
- Release, then bring hands again into Namaste position.
- Find your gaze more easily with practice.
- Press the base of your palms more strongly.
- Keep awareness of the pelvic floor.
- Feel connection with all your loved ones and all living beings from this beautiful world.
- Release.