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Grosvenor Rd, Wanstead, London E11 2EW, UK
19 Grosvenor Road England E11 2EW GB

Hi, I’m Sally from Buddha Baby.  I’ve been teaching Birthlight Baby Yoga since 2011 and love it!  I am well-known locally for providing friendly, nurturing, small-group classes, with a light-hearted teaching approach.  I just recently completed my training in Toddler Yoga and very much look forward to exploring this 2022!

Buddha Baby combines my passion for teaching with my interest in holistic wellbeing practices. I’m a consultant in primary PSHE education and babywearing; baby massage, baby yoga, toddler yoga and massage-in-schools instructor; massage therapist; and yoga enthusiast. I also offer pregnancy and well-woman massage from the sanctuary of my beautiful home.

Find out about my classes and services at:

Connect with me at:



Here’s a testimonial from one of my clients, Pamela: ‘I’ve just finished the baby yoga course and it has been the best bonding experience for me and my baby. My baby loved it every week – baby yoga always makes him smile, even if he’s been fussy! ! Sally really puts her heart into making the class intimate and enjoyable for everyone. As a new mother who needed something to build my confidence and just get me out of the house, this class has been a joy.’

buddha-baby-NEW logo_May 2015.jpg 3 years ago
edited colour-3_resized_small.jpg 3 years ago
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