Emily Hills

Clinical Specialist Neonatal Occupational Therapist, Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust

‘Interactive communication between parents and premature babies in NICU settings’

Emily Hills is a Clinical Specialist Neonatal Occupational Therapist at the Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust. Emily works at the “Starlight” neonatal unit at Barnet Hospital where she leads on developmental care, neurodevelopmental assessment and developmental interventions; including follow-up after discharge.

Emily has a MSc in Neonatology; she is a certified neonatal therapist and has also completed Newborn Individualised Developmental Care Assessment program (NIDCAP) certification.

Emily has completed both her Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS) and Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO) certification and is a lecturer for the Brazelton Centre in Great Britain. She is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI). Emily is passionate about developmental care and is a lecturer for Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Education (FINE) courses.

Emily is an Advanced Practitioner in Sensory Integration (SI) and leads on the OT-SI intervention clinic at Royal Free Hospital, which particularly focuses on early years intervention for the ex- preterm infant.