Baby Yoga Mini CPD ~ Part 1: floor-based & sitting practices and progressions


Want to refresh your Baby Yoga teaching with time to exchange ideas and experiences with other teachers?

Join us for this Mini CPD live online, open to all Birthlight trained Baby Yoga teachers only.

When: Friday September 20th ’24, 5-8pm UK time (don’t forget to log in first to automatically get your member discount before you enrol)

Where: live on zoom

Tutor: Amelie

£35 members £50 non-members

Category: Tags: , ,


An opportunity to review the main Birthlight baby yoga practices for both pre-mobile and mobile babies, and how to teach them safely and effectively.

Part 1: mostly floor-based practices (or sitting on parents’ lap) focusing on hips, arms, diagonals, prone progressions, and progression towards rolling and consolidated sitting.

We will also explore sequencing ideas and progressions, to grow your confidence in teaching progressive classes over the weeks and months and/or leading mixed classes for babies at various stages of motor development.

There will be time for questions and to focus on practices that you particularly want to review.

The CPD course will focus on baby practices only (no postnatal/carer-focused practices will be covered).

Part 2, on Friday 27th September will focus more on vestibular practices, holds, lifts, rocking/swings and inversions
Both parts will explore practices in progression, from pre-mobile to mobile.
Open to Birthlight Baby Yoga trained teachers only.