Menopause Support from an Ayurvedic Perspective


Birthlight Mini CPD ~ Menopause Support from an Ayurvedic Perspective with Liese van Dam

Sunday 26th October 2025 13.00-17.00 (UK Time)

In this short CPD Liese van Dam, Ayurveda practitioner, teacher at the Academy of Ayurveda The Netherlands and Birthlight teacher, will teach you how to create support during the menopausal years with simple yet profound changes in nutrition and lifestyle. This CPD is useful for anyone interested in balancing menopause – whether you are experiencing complaints or if you would like to support the menopause as a natural cycle – as well as perinatal yoga teachers who wish to expand their knowledge on the menopausal period.

The knowledge and kitchen remedies shared in this CPD are nurturing and beneficial during the perimenopause and although this mini-CPD is not a training as an Ayurvedic therapist or practitioner, the information and tips shared will be very useful for teachers to use in their Well woman classes and workshops.

Remember to log in first for your member’s discount.





The perimenopause is a time of big and profound changes in body, mind and spirit.
When a woman uses this time to balance the dosha’s Vata, Pitta and Kapha it can be
a special time of deep introspection, enjoyment and curiosity for new perspectives.
The journey from being fertile to being not- fertile will be a very different experience
for every woman, where one woman dreads the upcoming change, another might
feel neutral. In our modern-day society, many women suffer quietly thinking that
health problems are part of the deal and nothing can be done to feel differently. In
ancient times the menopause was regarded as a very special transition from being
busy with life and children to a time of being quieter, with deep introspection and
inner wisdom. It was – just as menarche and childbirth – regarded as a rite of
passage. It was also seen as a natural change and phase in which the body, mind
and emotions needed special attention in terms of food and lifestyle. Still to date
there are cultures where women do not suffer from menopausal complaints.

From an Ayurvedic perspective the menopause and how a woman moves through this period are a reflection of the balance or imbalance of her dosha’s Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
When the dosha’s are balanced there is less chance of menopausal problems. And
problems like heavy periods, hot flushes, migraines and weight gain show that one or
more of the dosha’s are out of balance. Balancing the dosha’s will bring balance
again in body, mind and emotions. Ayurveda has many wonderful ways to support
health and well-being during the perimenopausal years.

In this short CPD Liese van Dam, Ayurveda practitioner, teacher at the Academy of Ayurveda The Netherlands and Birthlight teacher, will teach you how to create support during the menopausal years with simple yet profound changes in nutrition and lifestyle. This CPD is useful for anyone interested in balancing menopause – whether you are experiencing complaints or if you would like to support the menopause as a natural cycle – as well as perinatal yoga teachers who wish to expand their knowledge on the menopausal period. The knowledge and kitchen remedies shared in this CPD are nurturing and beneficial during the perimenopause and although this mini-CPD is not a training as
an Ayurvedic therapist or practitioner, the information and tips shared will be very useful for teachers to use in their Well woman classes and workshops.
Please note: During this workshop Liese will be showing how to prepare some recipes in her kitchen. An ingredients list will be provided so you can cook along live if you