For the 25% of couples who are trying to conceive without any diagnosed cause of infertility, Fertility Yoga is one of the best ways to support reproductive health, reduce stress and prepare for pregnancy. Birthlight has been a pioneer of Fertility Yoga. This course benefits from a long teaching experience to impart accessible yoga practices for both enhancing natural fertility and accompanying women through fertility and ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) treatments. We do not stop at conception; we also aim to support and nurture the delicate phase of implantation post conception with yoga.
This Course Includes
- A clear presentation of relevant anatomy and physiology relevant to fertility-infertility, from both biomedical and ayurvedic perspectives, and an overview of options available to couples trying to conceive.
- Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation are central to ovarian and womb ecology, stress reduction and self-nurture. All three make up the core of Fertility Yoga.
- Yoga Asana- with adaptations using props for comfort- that help to support and strengthen the endocrine and reproductive system. All poses are taught with breath awareness.
- Pelvic micromovements -the hallmark of Birthlight- working on fascia, muscles and ligaments to decongest tissues and optimise organ function
- Integrated use of Mudra, Sound, visualisation and affirmation
- Teaching methods for offering relaxed and effective classes and one-to-one sessions for both women and couples, while preserving teachers’ balance and integrity.
The course is based on a comprehensive illustrated manual, with additional online resources.

Course Content
Additional Resources and links