Kirsteen's redone version of Directory text
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I offer specialist fertility yoga, yoga during pregnancy and Birthlight postnatal yoga in Richmond, London and online. My passion is to help women in their 1st to 4th trimesters and beyond feel calmer, more comfortable, and equipped for birth and early motherhood with group and one-to-one pregnancy yoga classes and mum and baby yoga classes, and online courses.

My classes are designed to help you find ease, relax, reduce common aches and pains, prepare and heal from birth. And make your transition into motherhood a little easier. No yoga experience necessary.

I offer the following services:

  •  Group pregnancy yoga classes in Richmond, London and online
  • One-to-one pregnancy yoga classes in your home and online, including yoga in early pregnancy and birth preparation workshops
  • Group mum and baby yoga classes in Richmond, London and online
  • One-to-one postnatal exercise and recovery yoga in your home and online
  • Online pre-recorded pregnancy yoga course “Pregnant in Anxious times”
  • Online pre-recorded course ‘Yoga and baby massage for colic & reflux babies’

My approach to yoga during pregnancy involves a combination of yoga-based movement, breathing techniques, mindfulness and deep relaxation, as well as antenatal information and birth preparation. My pregnancy yoga classes are suitable from the first trimester right up until birth for all women, and designed to complement your antenatal care.

I also specialise in pregnancy anxiety and pregnancy after infertility and loss.

My mum and baby yoga classes combine Birthlight postnatal yoga for mum, and baby massage and baby yoga for baby, suitable from 3 weeks after birth (including caesarean birth) until your baby is crawling.

For further information and booking, please visit:

In-person group pregnancy yoga classes and mum and baby yoga classes are accessible in Richmond, London at Studio 17, East Twickenham.

Fertility yoga sessions available on a one-to-one basis, at home or online. More information on my sister Instagram account

I offer a free 15 minute initial telephone consultation for all one-to-one sessions (fertility yoga, yoga in early pregnancy, yoga during pregnancy, birth preparation, postnatal exercise and recovery, how to do baby massage for colic). Email me to book a consultation, or book a slot directly from my website


Navigation, Intuition and Instinct

… knowing what your options are and how to navigate the pathway is so important … even the suggestion of booking in a sweep starts that ripple off …. go with your intuition and instincts – what feels right for you … navigate, negotiate and have those sensible conversations that support you and your baby so that you get the most out of the journey into motherhood and the best start.

If you are looking for a class that supports you in every way possible then please do connect … spaces available and it’s so much more than a pregnancy yoga class in the traditional sense. A Ripple Effect class is a “one-stop” shop … you get so much in terms of antenatal education, an amazing tool box for pregnancy, labour, postpartum and your everyday life which has yoga, relaxation techniques, breath work, “hypnobirthing” techniques (supporting those who have been to other classes or accessed online platforms), rebozo and self care … as well as meeting other fab ladies who are also on this journey to motherhood. They are a treat and certainly not to be missed. Add in the gorgeous bespoke Space you have a recipe that will support you all the way …

A little about me … I am a gentle soul … I pride myself on the classes I offer and the amazing work that has been shared into the community over the last 18 years … I am sure that as you journey deeper into the classes available in the area you will no doubt be seated next to someone who has been along to a Ripple class and believes that everyone needs a “Claire” … 1200 babies and families to date and 2 of my own doesn’t mean I am an expert but I am hoping I can help you shed some light to support you with your little one.

Look forward to connecting with you.

Claire x

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Bracknell RG42, UK

I run Pregnancy and Mum & Baby Yoga  classes in Bracknell, Berkshire. As well as Well Woman Yoga classes. Classes are small and friendly, no experience of yoga is required.

Pregnancy Yoga is suitable from 14 weeks onwards and helps promote a comfortable pregnancy. Classes work wonders to prepare the body and mind for the birth and are a great way to meet other Mums.

Mum & Baby Yoga is suitable from 6 weeks after the birth up until baby is crawling. We focus on stabilising the core and reconnecting with the pelvic floor as well as easing out postnatal aches and pains.  Baby Yoga is included  as well as mutually beneficial movements. Classes are fun and playful in a relaxed environment.

Well Woman Yoga focuses on nurturing yoga that promotes core and pelvic floor health. This is a fun relaxed class.

Earley Crescent Resource Centre, Warbler Drive, Earley, RG6 4HB
Komotini, Greece

my dream is a to see women give birth more spiritualy with trust in their bodies ..

midwife (since 2006)

ibclc (since 2012)

cimi (iaim) since 2018

certificated on ERC since 2020

Orfeos 21, Ilioupoli, Greece

Είμαιι μαία, εκπαιδευτικός, διεθνώς πιστοποιημένη Σύμβουλος Γαλουχίας IBCLC και πιστοποιημένη Birthlight™ Yoga  for Maternity teacher.

Έχοντας ολοκληρώσει κύκλους σπουδών στη μαιευτική και στον ανώδυνο τοκετό και εργαζόμενη ως εκπαιδευτικός, στα χρόνια που ακολούθησαν έγινα μητέρα πέντε παιδιών. Οι εμπειρίες που βίωσα η ίδια με τον θηλασμό των 5 παιδιών μου, με ενέπνευσαν να διευρύνω περισσότερο τις γνώσεις μου και την εξειδίκευσή μου για να βοηθήσει και άλλες μαμάδες που ήθελαν να θηλάσουν τα μωρά τους. Έτσι, μετεκπαιδεύθηκα και ως Σύμβουλος Θηλασμού IBCLC και στην περιγεννητική γιόγκα Birthlight™  Yoga for Maternity. Και αργότερα, ένα ακόμη όνειρό μου πήρε μορφή, με τη συνδημιουργία του Κύκλου.

Θα με βρεις στον Κύκλο να παρέχω την υποστήριξή μου με σεμινάρια, ομιλίες και workshops ως Σύμβουλος Θηλασμού σε κάθε στάδιο της μητρότητας, από την εγκυμοσύνη, τον τοκετό, τον θηλασμό, τη σύνδεση της Γυναίκας με το σώμα της και το παιδί της και μέσω μαθημάτων prenatal-postnatal yoga.

Ταυτόχρονα, μπορείς να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μου και να με επιλέξεις για σύντροφο υποστήριξης σε όλο το ταξίδι της μητρότητας, για μια πολύπλευρη υποστήριξη με ατομικές συνεδρίες, όπου κι αν ζεις.

Barrow upon Trent, Derby DE73 7HL, UK

Mama Blossom

Pregnancy – Baby – Postnatal – Fertility – Menopause

With you on your journey, covering Derby, Uttoxeter & Burton

From conception all the way through, supporting you with small friendly classes and workshops, finding your village along the way with;

Pregnancy Yoga, Aquanatal, Antenatal Workshops, Pregnancy Massage, Baby Massage, Mum & Baby Yoga, Postnatal Massage, Postnatal Yoga, Caesarean Recovery, Closing the Bones, Fertility Yoga, Menopause Yoga…..

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